Taurus Season Astrology Forecast

It’s yet another big month in the cosmos, as several planets (including Jupiter!) change signs, Mercury stations retrograde and we enter the heart of eclipse season. In the month ahead, the energy shifts from being very reflective, introverted and subtle into being much more direct, forward-thinking and expressive.

This makes for a very potent eclipse season. The inter-eclipse period is always a time when our daily rhythms change and things feel a little wonky and unsettled. It’s called the “eclipse portal” for a reason — this is a time things that felt impossible suddenly open up, while the things you take for granted become temporarily unavailable.

If you want to learn more about eclipses, join me for a free webinar on April 24th, 2022. You’ll learn about wtf eclipses are, how to work with the energy, and how to navigate the dramatic eclipses in the months to come.

Things are going to feel very different by the time we’re done Taurus season. But remember: different doesn’t necessarily mean bad! As humans, we tend to assume that any major astrology will bring bad tidings and woe. But that' doesn’t always have to be the case! If you can let go of expectations and go with the flow, this upcoming eclipse season will be much easier on you.

This is a shortened version of what members of the Hollow Valley Coven receive each month! I’ve included the most important transits of the month below (and there are quite a few!). But if you want an overview of every single transit in the month ahead, you should check out the membership.

In the full forecasts, I also pull one tarot and one oracle card per transit, to help go deeper with the energy of the transit. Members also receive Rising Sign horoscopes, which showcase the major themes Aries season will activate in their charts.

Happy birthday, Taurus friends

Get insight and guidance for the coming year with a Birthday (Solar Return) Consultation. Learn the major themes and focuses of this year, plus discover the most important planets and transits of the year ahead.

April 24 — Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius at 23°

Our first aspect of Taurus season is a tense showdown between Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. When Mercury squares Saturn, it brings about a lot of mental pressure and criticism. Maybe this looks like someone with more power and experience than you critiquing your work or pointing out flaws in your process — frustrating, yes, but ultimately it can be constructive and helpful. It could also manifest as you being very harsh on yourself, becoming your own worst critic. Jumping through bureaucratic hoops and navigating red tape is never fun. If you make mistakes or something goes wrong, try not to let it get to you. Mistakes are part of the process and don’t reflect on your inherent worth. While in Taurus, Mercury is governed by Venus, who is currently in Pisces. If Saturn’s criticisms are getting you down, turn towards art and creativity and something soul-nourishing to help you balance it out.

April 27 — Venus conjunct Neptune at 24° Pisces

There’s big Pisces energy on the 27th, with Venus making its conjunction to Neptune in Pisces as well. This is one of our biggest transits of the month. Venus, the planet of love, beauty and pleasure, merges with Neptune, the planet of transcendence, surrender and escapism. This is a great day to get lost in a good book or to engage in spiritual practices like trance, meditation or stream-of-consciousness writing.

Watch out for urges towards escapism and indulgence, especially when it comes to substances. Neptune loves to get high — it’s a planet associated with intoxication, melted ecstasy and fantasy. And Venus governs all things sensual and pleasure-oriented. You might find yourself with very little motivation except to get high and watch TV all day. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, unless you need to operate heavy machinery or have focused, meticulous work to do.

If possible, try to set yourself up for success — put yourself in situations where you can connect to the sublime beauty of the universe without hurting yourself. This would be an amazing day to book off work and go to an art gallery or a long walk in nature. Maybe plan a romantic dinner with a partner or a dear friend. If you’ve been feeling undernourished, this is a good day to give yourself extra sweetness and succour.

This transit can inspire longing for oneness and communion. It can give us high expectations of others, and disappointment when reality doesn’t match our expectations. It’s also important to remember that things Venus-Neptune brings about are fleeting. This is a great transit for a short-term love affair or moment of connection, but it won’t necessarily last. Try to let yourself be in the moment and not put too much pressure on whatever you experience to be concrete and stable. Go with the flow and follow your heart, but try to keep at least a toe in reality.

Venus conjunct Neptune craves closeness and connection. You might find yourself wanting to take your relationships deeper or get to know someone better. Just try not to abandon yourself in the process — Neptune aspects can make boundaries difficult to navigate and you might find yourself sacrificing your own needs in order to make someone else happy or for the sake of a relationship.

April 29 — Pluto stations retrograde at 28° Capricorn

Generally speaking, outer planet retrogrades aren’t a huge deal. They are slow-moving forces that speak to larger, more collective moments and don’t generally affect us too much on a day-to-day basis unless a faster-moving planet is interacting with them. But when a planet slows down to station, it intensifies the themes. So watch out for themes of control and power being a bit louder today.

This will be most prominent for people who have planets or placements at 28° of the Cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra). If you aren’t sure if you do, head to the #astrology channel on Discord and ask! Davis will help you out 😊. Think about what you have been working through re: power and control in your life, especially as they pertain to your resources and your agency.

Pluto will be retrograde in Capricorn for five months, stationing direct on October 8, 2022, at 26° Capricorn.

April 29 — Mercury enters Gemini

Mercury moves into its home sign of Gemini. Mercury is powerful when it's in this mutable Air sign, prone to jumping from idea to idea. Because Mercury governs how we think and express ourselves, you’ll likely feel an energetic shift on this day. There is a lightness to Mercury in Gemini which feels very different than solid, practical Taurus. In general, Mercury in Gemini is a great time for Mercury-related things like communication, exchanges, knowledge, learning, mathematics, paperwork, logistics, marketing, commerce, language.

However, Mercury will only reach 4° of Gemini before it slows down to station retrograde. So you can think of the next week or so as a preview of what Mercury in Gemini will bring in June, once it is direct. There’s a sense of “that’s great, but... we can’t do it yet.” You might be tempted to multitask and do All The Things, but there are some stumbling blocks.Things might feel a little scattered and all over the place right now. Try to slow down and be calm, so the frenetic energy doesn’t overwhelm you.

Notice what comes up when Mercury enters Gemini and what House it activates in your chart. Whatever themes or events take place, this is likely to be just the first part of the story. Retrogrades bring reversals, changes, and revisiting of what came before. There will likely be some changes or further developments when Mercury stations on May 10th.

Mercury will station retrograde on May 10th at 4° Gemini, re-entering Taurus on May 24th and stationing direct at 26° Taurus.

April 30 —Solar Eclipse (New Moon) at 10° Taurus; Venus conjunct Jupiter in Pisces

Our first eclipse of the year comes in hot on April 30th the same day that Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces. Eclipses are times of change, shifting timelines, and unexpected events. They represent a break in the routine and normal rhythms that we’re used to. However, the thing to keep in mind about eclipses is that the changes they bring often play out over a long period of time. Things don’t necessarily change on a dime. Instead, they are often better understood in retrospect, when you have the benefit of hindsight and you can see how the events that happened around this time fit into the larger narrative of whatever changes you are moving through.

Solar eclipses are like super powered New Moons— something gets started, although it might be a few months before we completely understand what is being brought forward.

As far as eclipses go, this is a pretty positive one! If we must have an eclipse, then we could do a lot worse than have Venus conjunct Jupiter at the same time. The changes that come about right now are more likely to be welcome or for the best.

This eclipse is happening very close the the planet Uranus, further emphasizing themes of innovation, discoveries, liberation, and change. This might speed up some of the changes or make you feel electrified and restless. Be prepared for things to change. Think about what changes you want to make in your life and how you might prepare for them. The trick will be to stay flexible and adaptable so you can move with whatever changes come your way.

This eclipse takes place near the North Node, which is associated with growth, development, and increase.North Node Solar Eclipses are all about planting seeds for future events and intentions. Think about what it is you want to start in your life or what new beginnings you are seeking, especially as they pertain to Taurus themes like your body, your resources and the physical world around you. This is eclipse is an invitation to move forward, take some risks, and pursue what you really want and desire.

This might all sound scary and intense, but don’t panic! Because there is some really good news. The sign of Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, meaning that Venus is calling the shots. Venus is currently in Pisces (a sign where it is exalted — meaning it has extra luck and generosity) and conjunct to Jupiter, one of the most positive and supportive planets in the sky. Venus conjunct Jupiter is one of the most positive aspects possible, made even better by the fact that Jupiter is in a sign it rules, lending further power and optimism to this conjunction. This adds a lot of luck and charm to the eclipse, softening the edges a bit. This means the disruptions and changes the eclipse brings might be a positive surprise — for example, an unexpected invitation to see your favourite band, a job promotion, or a new opportunity. Venus conjunct Jupiter is about soothing your soul, finding peace and exploring what is nourishing and meaningful. There’s lots of possibility for healing , connection, romance and self-care. Don’t overlook the little luxuries and simple pleasures.

Expect the unexpected around this time and for the next two weeks. Try to stay relaxed and flexible so you can roll with whatever changes come your way. If you are so fixated on things looking a certain way or an opportunity being a certain thing, you might miss the blessings that come forward. Try to loosen your grip and relax your expectations. There are opportunities here for greater compassion and emotional healing, but only if we let ourselves see them.

May 2 — Venus enters Aries

Venus enters the fiery, cardinal sign of Aries on May 2nd. This is a place where Venus tends to struggle. Aries is the sign opposite of Libra, one of Venus’ home signs, meaning Venus is in a sign that is opposite to its nature. Think: an artist in a war zone, a diplomat in the middle of a fight. When in Aries, Venus is independent, courageous and direct. Venus in Aries loves adventure and spontaneity and can be very impulsive, almost reckless. For the next few weeks, you might find yourself with increased energy for pursuing your desires and prioritizing your own needs and wants, rather than acquiescing to other people’s demands. This might cause a little more conflict than you are used to, especially if you are someone who is usually accommodating. It’s important to strike a balance between pursuing your own plan and not steamrolling other people.

Venus will be in Aries until May 28, 2022.

May 5 — Sun conjunct Uranus at 14° Taurus

Expect the unexpected today. When the Sun and Uranus come together, disruptions abound and things might come up that through you off-course. Watch out for themes of freedom and rebellion. There is likely to be a strong sense of restlessness and a desire to break from the structures of your life and whatever makes you feel trapped or confined. Taurus is a Fixed sign, and typically, Fixed signs don’t love change. They prefer things to be slow and steady... but when there is change, that change tends to be very “all or nothing.” Whatever has felt stagnant or stuck is suddenly unbearable and you have the urge to change everything.

Try to stay as relaxed and flexible as possible on this day, especially if the disruptions are happening to you or around you. With Mars still in a close sextile, you could feel extra motivated and energized to finally make changes in your life you’ve been planning for a while: whether that is applying for a new job, painting your house, or getting a dramatic haircut. Sun conjunct Uranus can also make us more impatient and reckless than usual, so be careful and try to cultivate a bit of mindfulness, so that you avoid any accidents. This transit might make you more reactive and unsettled than usual.

This transit happens once a year, so on its own, it’s not that unusual or rare. However, we are about halfway through eclipse season, and Uranus plays an important role in our eclipse season story. If you felt something beginning during the Solar Eclipse on April 30th, today might be an important development in that narrative.

May 10 — Mercury stations retrograde at 4°51' Gemini

It’s that time again! Mercury retrograde time! Remember, the three days before and after the Mercury stations will feel the most intense. That’s because Mercury slows down and comes to a halt before starting to move backwards. When a planet is moving quickly, it can easily express itself and accomplish its goals. But when it’s stationary, the planet is stuck, unable to do what it does best. The usual Mercury RX guidance applies: Back up your files, double-check the details, and give yourself extra room in your schedule in case things go haywire. Because Mercury is strong in Gemini, I don’t think this retrograde will be as difficult as some Mercury retrogrades can be — especially since Mercury isn’t forming any harsh aspects to another planet. Mercury retrograde in Gemini is a good time to review how you communicate with others and how you express yourself. Slow down and proceed with caution, rather than barrel ahead. After all, you probably don’t have all the information you need to have the full picture. More details will come in time, just be patient. There might be a delayed start to whatever you have going on, but taking this time to plan and review will pay off once Mercury is direct and moving forward in Gemini in June and things start to move forward.

May 10 — Jupiter enters Aries

Time for another major vibe shift. After a mere five months in its watery home sign of Pisces, Jupiter moves into the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries. Where Pisces is introspective, imaginative and intuitive, Aries is courageous, impulsive and extraverted. Aries is a fire sign, which is all about self-expression and moving out into the world. If you’ve been feeling like a hermit these past few months, Jupiter in Aries will encourage you to get out there and go on adventures.

Jupiter in Aries is incredibly independent and self-sufficient. You might find yourself wanting to be more autonomous and in control of your own destiny. This is a good transit for starting a project where you have a lot of control — whether it’s your own business, launching a new product or service, or something starting an Instagram account for your hobby. Jupiter in Aries is very much “go big or go home” type energy. It wants to move forward, take action (even/especially risky ones), and be brave.

Jupiter in Pisces is much more passive and reflective, but Jupiter in Aries wants to initiate new projects and new ideas. It wants to get things started and move them along very quickly. You might find yourself speeding up and being impatient and restless. The thing to keep in mind is that Jupiter in Aries is great at starting things — but not necessarily finishing them. So while you might have a lot of energy for starting new projects, don’t get discouraged if you aren’t immediately successful, especially if they are major long-term projects. You will likely be tempted to burn the candle at both ends, so do what you can to build in rest and sustainability, so you don’t end up burnt to a crisp.

Politically and in the world around us, we might see more expressions of anger and frustrations, especially as they pertain to individual liberties and freedom of expression. Since Aries is a fire sign, I’m curious if we will see more intense heat and fire-related environmental situations arise (although with climate change, that seems likely to happen regardless of what Jupiter is up to).

While Jupiter is in Aries, the part of your chart that contains Aries will be blessed with extra luck, abundance and hope. The last time Jupiter was in Aries was in 2010-11. Think back to what you started back then and what new ideas or interests you pursued.

Jupiter will reach 7° Aries before stationing retrograde on July 28 and re-entering Pisces on October 28, 2022. It will station direct at 28° Pisces on November 23, 2022, and re-enter Aries on December 20, 2022, where it will be until May 16, 2023.

May 16 — Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) at 25° Scorpio

Our second eclipse of the season takes place at 25° Scorpio on May 16th. This time it’s a Lunar Eclipse, which brings up themes of releasing, shedding and letting go. Lunar Eclipses are like super-powered Full Moons, and Full Moons represent the peak of a cycle and thus, the release that follows. Lunar eclipses often mark the end of a major cycle, a moment where you begin to let go of something you’ve been holding onto. But remember — eclipses take a long time to play out, so this isn’t necessarily a black-and-white/on-and-off situation. And releasing isn’t necessarily a bad thing! If there are habits you want to change or patterns you want to rid yourself of, this could be a time where you find yourself ready to make the change and let go of the past.

Before opposing the Sun, the Moon will move across the South Node, which is all about diminishment and decrease. It’s very spiritual in nature and invites us to go of the material things we cling onto for safety. This further emphasizes the themes of purging and release of this eclipse. The South Node reminds us that earthly success and material belongings can only take us so far. We also need to cultivate our inner/spiritual life.

This eclipse feels much heavier than the Solar Eclipse on April 30th. It takes place in a close square to Saturn in Aquarius, which emphasizes the restrictions in your life: those duties that hold you back, the obligations that constrain your time. What burdens are you ready to let go of? What expectations are holding you back? This is a great time to review the structures of your life and identify what you are ready to shift or release.

Eclipses often bring up what has been lurking in the shadows. They reveal things we didn’t notice (or actively ignored). This is not a time for manifestation or trying to be out in the world. This is a time to retreat inside, take cover, and simply witness what is coming up. Journaling is a really helpful practice around this time because it can help us discover what we’ve been missing and connect to our subconscious.

May 18 — Mars conjunct Neptune at 25° Pisces

If Mars in Pisces is the spiritual warrior, then Mars conjunct Neptune is the fog of war. Things might feel very confusing and disorienting right now. Mars loves to take bold action and move forward courageously — but when it’s conjunct Neptune, it becomes lost in a haze. You might want to act, but you don’t know where to direct your energy. You can’t necessarily see where you are going, because of Neptune’s fog. Don’t try to get too much done or be too focused. Let yourself go with the flow. If you feel inspired to do something, go for it. But don’t despair if you feel apathetic, lethargic or just plain tired. Lower your expectations re: how “productive” you will be today. This is a great day to lay around all day and let yourself get lost in the fog. This transit will likely extend the “full moon hangover” feeling, so don’t judge yourself if you need extra time to rest and restore yourself. This isn’t a time for making quick decisions or taking strong action. This is a quick-moving transit, so don’t worry — in a few days, you’ll be feeling better again.

Let us know how Taurus season goes for you and how these transits are manifesting in your chart! If you want personalized advice and support for navigating the month ahead, check out my astrology services — a birth chart reading will help you understand yourself and where Taurus energy shows up in your life, while a Year Ahead reading will prepare you for the transits to come.