Solar Eclipse in Taurus, Venus conjunct Jupiter in Pisces

The Solar Eclipse in Taurus — the first eclipse of 2022 — takes place on April 30, 2022, at 10° Taurus. A solar eclipse is a powerful New Moon, marking the beginning of a six-month period of massive growth and change.

The next eclipse is on May 16th, the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. And between now and then, we enter a time where it feels like the ground is shifting beneath our feet, known as “the eclipse portal.” The resources you’ve come to know and rely on might not be available to you right now. But new opportunities emerge from the chaos, giving you a chance to make some serious moves and bring major changes to your life.

This is why eclipse season can feel like things are simultaneously speeding up and slowing down. Our sense of rhythm is all off. The best thing to do during astrology like this is to prioritize your basic needs and well-being. Drinking enough water, getting more sleep, and giving yourself lots of room in your schedule can go a really long way to getting through this unsettled period.


How will the solar eclipse affect you?

Eclipses represent major endings and beginnings in our lives. But not all eclipses will affect everyone equally. Sometimes eclipses are minor blips. Other times, it feels like we are being rocked to the core. How you will experience these eclipses depends entirely on your birth chart!

if you want to know exactly what to expect from these eclipses and how to prepare for what is to come, book an eclipse season consultation. You’ll discover the major themes that will grow and change over the next 6-12 months and get advice on how to prepare for what is to come.


A new chapter opens

Solar eclipses are like supercharged New Moons — they represent the beginning of something new, times where ideas are conceived, projects started, or an inkling of a suggestion takes root. This idea will continue to grow and develop over the next six months, until the next set of eclipses, Solar eclipses are New Moons but for the next six months, rather than 28 days, like a typical New Moon.

This eclipse is actually pretty nice, as far as eclipses go. There is some really positive astrology happening alongside the eclipse that adds a lot of luck and charm, softening the edges a bit. This means the disruptions and changes the eclipse brings might be ultimately for the best and really supportive in the long term.

These changes might be very small at first — maybe you get an idea for a new offering; maybe you exchange phone numbers with someone cute; maybe you start thinking about looking for a new job. But over time, that idea will grow and things will develop — your business offering ideas gets the first draft; you run into that cute person again and decide to text them; you finally start the job hunt…

What do you want to grow?

This eclipse takes place near the North Node, which is associated with growth, development, and increase. North Node Solar Eclipses are all about planting seeds for future events and intentions. Think about what it is you want to start in your life or what new beginnings you are seeking, especially as they pertain to Taurus themes like your body, your resources and the physical world around you. This is eclipse is an invitation to move forward, take some risks, and pursue what you really want and desire.

Looking for stability, softness and love

As far as eclipses go, this is a pretty positive one! If we must have an eclipse, then we could do a lot worse than having Venus conjunct Jupiter at the same time. The changes that come about right now are more likely to be welcome or for the best.

The sign of Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, meaning that Venus has a lot of influence on what will happen at the Solar Eclipse. Venus is currently in Pisces (a sign where it is exalted — meaning it has extra luck and generosity) and conjunct to Jupiter, one of the most positive and supportive planets in the sky. Venus conjunct Jupiter is one of the most positive aspects possible, made even better by the fact that Jupiter is in a sign it rules, lending further power and optimism to this conjunction.

Venus conjunct Jupiter is about soothing your soul, finding peace and exploring what is nourishing and meaningful. There’s lots of possibility for healing, connection, romance and self-care. Don’t overlook the little luxuries and simple pleasures. This is a great transit for expressing your love and finding the sweet, gentle side of life. If you can indulge your senses on this day, go for it.

Remember that you might not experience all of the goodness of Venus and Jupiter right away — these are long-term seeds that are being planted. The day itself might feel a bit unremarkable… but trust that something is germinating in the background. Keep doing what you can to say yes to positive moments and opportunities that come your way, but don’t panic if this transit doesn’t feel immediately life-changing. Good things come to those who wait!

Surprises & shocks — both good and unsettling

However, be prepared for some unexpected twists and turns along the way. The path is not all smooth sailing. This eclipse is happening very close to the planet Uranus, further emphasizing themes of innovation, discoveries, liberation, and change.

This might speed up some of the changes or make you feel electrified and restless. Be prepared for things to change. Think about what changes you want to make in your life and how you might prepare for them. The trick will be to stay flexible and adaptable so you can move with whatever changes come your way.

Not all of the disruptions and changes will be bad — you might get an unexpected invitation to see your favourite band, a job promotion, or a new opportunity that you didn’t see coming. Try to stay flexible and adaptable, so that you can take advantage of what comes your way.

It’s possible that the chaos of Uranus will overshadow the positive themes that Venus and Jupiter bring to the table. Or maybe you’ll have a mixture of both positive and difficult events! We can never know until it happens.

Solar Eclipse in Taurus - by rising sign

What Whole Sign House contains Taurus in your birth chart? These themes will be extra-present and potent for you. Look for your rising sign to determine the major themes of this eclipse for you.

Taurus Rising — 1st house — self, body, vitality, appearance, life direction

Gemini Rising — 12th house — isolation, secrecy, privacy 

Cancer Rising — 11th house — networks, groups, alliances, friendships

Leo Rising — 10th house — career, reputation, occupation, public roles

Virgo Rising — 9th house — education, long-distance travel, foreign cultures, philosophy

Libra Rising — 8th house — other people’s money, debts, loans, collaborations

Scorpio Rising — 7th house — partnership (business and romantic); 1:1 relationships 

Sagittarius Rising —6th house — work, service, accidents, illnesses, domestic sphere

Capricorn Rising — creativity, sex, children, fun

Aquarius Rising — 4th house — home, family, ancestors, land

Pisces Rising — 3rd house — siblings, neighbours, short distance travel

Aries Rising — 2nd house — money, assets, resources, income

This eclipse will also be significant for people who have planets or points in their birth charts around 14° Taurus. If you are someone with a Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, Taurus Ascendant or Taurus Midheaven, this is an eclipse to keep an eye on.

You can always book an eclipse season consultation if you want to get a personalized overview of how these eclipses will affect you.

What are you noticing about this eclipse?

Let us know how your solar eclipse goes! I am curious about what House it’s happening in and how it’s showing up in your life.