Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces - April 12, 2022

This is one of the biggest transits of the year! Jupiter and Neptune are both slow-moving planets, and when they come together in the sky, it has far-reaching impacts — both in your life and in the collective. There is a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction every 13 years, but the last time we had a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces was 1856. This is a once-in-a-lifetime transit that will have profound consequences.

This transit is exact on April 12, 2022, at 10:42 AM EDT. But you have probably been feeling the energy of this transit for a few weeks, as Jupiter approached Neptune. And you’ll likely feel it for a few weeks more, as Jupiter moves through the rest of Pisces. Venus is also currently in Pisces, adding even more emphasis to this part of the zodiac.

A conjunction means that two (or more) planets are together in the exact same degree of the zodiac. When planets are conjunct, their meanings and essence merge together, blending the significations of the planets. It’s kind of like putting the two planets in a blender and mashing them together. They become entangled, combined. When Jupiter and Neptune make a conjunction, it means the planetary energy fuse, and we get an even stronger manifestation of their energies.

The tension between stability/order vs confusion/chaos

Jupiter is the planet of faith, optimism, wealth and expansion. Jupiter’s job is to bring order and stability to the world. Especially when it is in its home sign of Pisces, Jupiter wants to affirm and support your work and your ambitions.

Neptune, however, is the planet of illusion, delusion and dispersion. Neptune makes things foggy and unclear. It’s ethereal nature makes things less concrete and tangible, often softening and disintegrating our boundaries and what we know to be true. Whenever Neptune is involved, things become disorganized and unclear.

When these planets come together, Jupiter isn’t able to anchor and support us very well. The ground becomes unstable and unsteady beneath our feet. What used to feel clear and obvious becomes hazy and vague. The truth might be hard to discern right now because things feel so emotional and unstable.

Creativity, art and spirituality

The best part of this transit is the power for spiritual inspiration and creativity. Jupiter is abundance You might feel connected to the universal cosmos and feel incredibly compassionate for those around you. It’s a great time to dream about the future you want and to get lost in your imagination. If you feel like you’ve lost your sense of magic or inspiration, this could be a good time to reconnect with your higher self.

This is a great day to book off work and treat yourself to some glorious rest. Let yourself follow your instincts and inspiration. Don’t try to force it — even if you spend all day at work, you aren’t “missing” the transit. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be.

Big feelings, big emotions, big reactions.

Jupiter is the great expander of the zodiac. It makes things bigger and more intense. Especially when it’s in a water sign, Jupiter can make emotions more dramatic and intense. this transit is likely to expand our feelings and make us more emotionally volatile and reactive. Watch out for BIG feelings to come up around this time. You might find yourself overwhelmed by your emotions, unable to discern what you are feeling and why.

But in the words of Lindsay Mack, feelings aren’t fact. Your feelings are always valid and hold important information. But they aren’t necessarily true in the objective sense. Honouring your feelings and sitting with them can be a powerful way to work with this energy. What is going on underneath your feelings? How can you attend to your emotions without letting them control you?

Potential for hope, peace and healing

Jupiter is the healer of the zodiac. It brings order, stability and calm. Jupiter is associated with things like legal and social institutions — things like hospitals and the legal system is designed to help society run more smoothly and help more people (although in reality, they often fall short of this ideal!). Especially when in Pisces, Jupiter wants to bring peace and hope to the world. And Neptune’s ability to dissolve boundaries and spread ideas, there is potential for Jupiter to share hope and peace even more broadly than ever.

Neptune is also associated with mind-altering substances, like psychedelics. Creative and intuitive, Neptune encourages us to see things from new perspectives, especially those outside the social order. Sigmund Freud was born in 1856, the same year as the last Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, highlighting the way that Jupiter-Neptune dynamics bring forth the realm of the unconscious and the psychological. If you have been suffering or struggling, this conjunction might inspire you to seek healing or try to find some meaning from the experience, especially psychological healing.

While Venus is a diplomat of interpersonal relationships, Jupiter is the diplomat at the global level. My hope is that we will start to see some real movement towards peace in the war-torn areas of the world, like Ukraine, Yemen and Ethiopia.

The quest for truth and meaning — and the power of illusions

But this transit can also make us overly optimistic, to the point of delusion and willful ignorance. Jupiter is associated with the truth, faith and the search for meaning — but Neptune is all about illusion and things not being what they seem. Topics related to faith, belief and cosmology abound at this time, but be careful about what you accept as fact.

Propaganda, fake news and dis/misinformation abound. Beware of getting swept away in something that might not be what you think. Neptune is associated with deception and illusion, and Jupiter is associated with charismatic leaders, especially of the spiritual or scholarly type. (Neptune loves a cult.) If something or someone appears too good to be true... proceed with caution. Try to stay grounded so you don’t get overwhelmed by all the mystical energy and people trying to sell you the secret to the universe in three easy steps.

Technology and fantasy

Some astrologers, like Chris Brennan on The Astrology Podcast, have talked a lot about Jupiter-Neptune and the expansion of virtual reality and augmented reality, since those technologies are all about changing our perception of reality and layering on new information. Keep an eye out for major announcements from tech companies around this time.

There is likely to be an increase in fantastical elements, especially ones that blend myth and technology. During the last Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (in Aquarius, back in 2012), the movie Avatar was released, which highlights the blend of technology (filmed using new motion capture techniques) and fantasy (set on an alien planet). I’m curious to see what new art is created around this time and how technological innovations might influence art and culture.

Compassionate connection (for better or worse)

This transit can bring forward urges towards joining together with others and being one with a larger group. Because emotions are so strong, fantasies are vivid and humans crave connection, this transit might bring forward the urge to lose yourself in a collective

You might feel so generous and compassionate at this time that you try to give all of yourself away. Try to keep some of the magic for yourself. Don’t let yourself get swept away in your projections of others — especially on social media, it’s easy to project your own insecurities or desires onto someone else. If you find yourself scrolling through someone’s Instagram and hating yourself for not being as perfect as them… take a break. Go outside and feel the wind on your skin. Try to ground yourself into your reality.

And if other people project onto you, remember that you are not responsible for anyone else’s emotions. You can’t control them and you are not obligated to live up to their expectations, especially if you only have a parasocial relationship with them.

Witness and observe your experience

Remember, this is a once-in-a-lifetime transit. Nobody alive today has experienced a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces before. Although astrologers can make educated guesses based on the meaning of the transits, based conjunctions, and historical analysis, no one can say for sure how this will impact you or the world around you.

The best way to work with this transit is to witness and observe your experiences. Journaling and meditation can be very helpful around this time because it helps you get in touch with your own reality and beliefs. Prioritize yourself and your own healing around this date.

How will this transit affect you?

Look at the topics of the House in your chart that contains Pisces for more information about how this will affect you. For example, if this transit is taking place in your 5th house of children, creativity and pleasure, you might find yourself getting lost in a good book or feeling inspired to create some art. If it’s happening in your 10th house of career, you might be thinking about your public image or pursuing new career opportunities.

If you have planets or placements around 23/24° of Pisces, this transit will be even more powerful and important in your life.

The best way to learn how this transit will affect you is to work with an astrologer who can analyze and interpret your birth chart. If you want some 1:1 support and to learn how this transit will play out, you can book a reading with me any time!

What themes and events are coming up for you? Let us know in the comments!

I’d love to hear how you feel about this transit and what events happen in your life.