Solar Eclipse in Taurus | Tarot Spread

Tarot is an amazing tool to use during eclipse season. Eclipses can be very stimulating and emotionally exhausting. They are times of enormous change, that stir things up from the depths of our unconscious and force us to process and work through them. Tarot can help you to get some objectivity and clarity about what themes you are moving through right now.

The solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th marks the beginning of a new six-month cycle in your life. This is a super-charged New Moon that will continue to bring developments and growth over the next six months. ⁠
You might not be able to see it yet (eclipses can take up to 6 months to fully manifest) but something is happening... something is growing... ⁠It just might take a while for you to realize it.

But this tarot spread can help you better understand where you are in the eclipse cycle and the major themes you will be working through over the next 6 months


Tarot spread for the Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Tarot Spread for the Solar Eclipse in Taurus

1) What have I been in the process of releasing over the past 6 months?

2) What seeds are currently taking root in my life? (even if I can't see them right now)

3) The major themes I'll be navigating in the next 6 months

4) The blessings/gifts/ opportunities available

5) Advice from Spirit about how to support myself with tenderness


Discover what the eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio mean for you!

Eclipses represent major endings and beginnings in our lives. But not all eclipses will affect everyone equally. Sometimes eclipses are minor blips. Other times, it feels like we are being rocked to the core. How you will experience these eclipses depends entirely on your birth chart!

if you want to know exactly what to expect from these eclipses and how to prepare for what is to come, book an eclipse season consultation. You’ll discover the major themes that will grow and change over the next 6-12 months and get advice on how to prepare for what is to come.


Let me know how you liked the tarot spread and if it was helpful! If you’d like to share your pulls on social media, please tag me on Instagram @meridiantarot so I can see!