Tarot spread for Jupiter in Aries, Mercury retrograde in Gemini

Tarot is an amazing tool to use during major astrological transits. Astrology can tell you what is happening, but tarot can help you understand what it all means. It can also give advice on what to do and how to work with the energy.

On May 10, Jupiter enters the sign of Aries, while Mercury stations retrograde at 4° of Gemini. These are two very contradictory energy that might leave you feeling like you have whiplash.

This tarot spread can help you understand what this unique astrology means for you.

Tarot spread for Jupiter in Aries & Mercury retrograde in Gemini

A tarot spread for jupiter in aries & mercury retrograde in gemini
1) What is growing & expanding in my life?  2) What can I review or revise before moving forward?  3) How do I hold the tension between these two impulses?
  1. What is growing & expanding in my life?

  2. What can I review or revise before moving forward?

  3. How do I hold the tension between these two impulses?

Let me know how you liked the tarot spread and if it was helpful! If you’d like to share your pulls on social media, please tag me on Instagram @meridiantarot so I can see them!

Jupiter in Aries is independent, self-sufficient and courageous. It wants to move forward, take action (even/especially risky ones), and be brave. Jupiter in Aries might have you yearning to finally do the thing and start something new — whether it’s your own business, launching a new product or service, or something starting an Instagram account for your hobby.

Mercury retrograde, on the other hand, is a time to slow down and review your systems, reflect on your communication, and dive into some research projects.

This means that you might find yourself frustrated by how slowly you are moving or by the fact that there is more research and work to do. But rest assured that if you do the work of carefully reviewing and researching, you’ll be in much better shape once Mercury is direct in June.

And don’t forget, you can always book an astrology or tarot session to get some one-on-one support for navigating this cosmic weather.


Discover what Jupiter in Aries means for you

Discover how to maneuver with (and even harness) this astrological energy to your benefit. Cosmic Check-Ins are your chance to explore what’s going on in the sky, how it’s affecting your chart and any major moments in your personal cycles of growth and change.