Lunar eclipse in Scorpio

Taking place in the early hours of May 16 (EDT), the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio feels very different from the Solar Eclipse in Taurus. While that eclipse was juicy and restful, this eclipse stirs up feelings of loss, release and letting go.

What are you ready to release?

Lunar Eclipses are like super-powered Full Moons, only instead of representing the culmination of what started 28 days ago, they instead represent the peak of a cycle that started six months ago, during the last round of eclipses. Lunar eclipses are all about releasing and letting go. What tools, attitudes, and habits aren’t supporting you anymore? What relationships are coming to an end? What experiences are you ready to step back from?

Lunar eclipses are often the beginning of the end of some aspect of your life or identity. And while this might sound dire and dramatic, it doesn’t have to be! Change doesn’t always mean change for the worse. Often with eclipses, the events that happen have been building up for a long time.

This is also a South Node Lunar Eclipse, and the South Node indicates diminishment and depletion. When the South Node is involved in an astrological transit, it often brings up those things that require a lot of time and energy. We might be feeling a little obsessive during this eclipse, like we are consumed by something and just want to keep giving it more and more of our time and focus.

Where are you struggling?

The Moon is said to be in its fall in Scorpio, a Mars-ruled sign that emphasizes deep, intense emotions. This Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio might reveal the ways in which we feel hurt, abandoned or depleted. You might become more aware of the ways in which you are struggling or need some support.

Maybe you are feeling physically run down and you need a break. Maybe your expenses keep growing and you need to make more money. Maybe you are trying to hold onto relationships that are draining and unfulfilling.

It can be hard to see our weak spots, uncomfortable to confront our limitations. But it’s only by acknowledging the truth that we can actually go about solving the problem.

While this Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio might amplify feelings of hurt or sadness, it also offers us an opportunity to re-parent ourselves and give ourselves (and our friends, family and peers) the love and care that we all deserve.

Where are you feeling restricted?

The Lunar Eclipse takes place square to Saturn in Aquarius. This emphasizes the restrictions in your life: those duties that hold you back, the obligations that constrain your time. What burdens are you ready to let go of? What expectations are holding you back?

This is a great time to review the structures of your life and identify which ones aren’t sustainable in the long term. You might want to brainstorm some ways you might change or evolve those structures over the next six months.

Are you feeling exhausted and confused?

You aren’t the only one! This is exhausting and de-motivating energy. This eclipse will likely feel like we are moving through the fog.

The traditional ruler of Scorpio is the planet Mars, meaning we can look to Mars to discover more information about the overall energy and vibe of this eclipse. During this eclipse, Mars is preparing to conjunct Neptune. This aspect will be exact on May 18, but it’s still close enough on May 16 that it’s active in this eclipse chart.

While Neptune transits can be very inspiring and creative — especially for people with strong spiritual practices and who revel in the feeling of oneness/connection to the universe — for the most part, this transit is depleting.

Neptune takes your motivation and willpower (Mars) and makes it foggy and muddled. The inner fire gets washed out by Neptune’s hazy energy. This is the type of transit that can make you spin your wheels and exert a lot of energy but not actually anywhere.

If you are feeling tired, lethargic or depleted during this eclipse, don’t fight it. Ideally, you can give yourself some space to dream and reflect and pause. This energy is strongest May 16 - 18, so if you can, this might be a good time to go to an art gallery or see a movie or read a book about the Moon — whatever makes you feel connected to something bigger than yourself.

What does the Lunar Eclipse mean for you?

Eclipses represent major endings and beginnings in our lives. But not all eclipses will affect everyone equally. Sometimes eclipses are minor blips. Other times, it feels like we are being rocked to the core. How you will experience these eclipses depends entirely on your birth chart.

If you want to know exactly what to expect from these eclipses and how to prepare for what is to come, book an eclipse season consultation. You’ll discover the major themes that will grow and change over the next 6-12 months and get advice on how to prepare for what is to come.

These sessions are only available during eclipse season… so book before May 16, 2022, to snag your spot. Your appointment can be for any time that works for you, you just need to sign up before May 16.