Tarotscopes | October 2019

The Full Moon in Aries on October 13, 2019 is a potent one. We are in the beginning of Mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow. The themes that come up over the next few days are likely to be repeated and amplified over the course of the retrograde (October 31 - November 20). This Full Moon in Aries also forms a T-Square to Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects are fertile for personal growth, deep transformation, and exploring the mysteries inside our psyches and subconscious.

All Full Moons are potent times for magic and healing. But, if you’re feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, I want to encourage you to take care of your nervous system. Most Full Moons I spend on the couch watching TV because that’s the safest place for me to process. We move at the pace of our nervous system. Honour that pace. Honour what your body needs tonight. This is big, challenging energy. You’ve got this. 

If you need extra support during this time, check out my offerings — tarot readings can be a supportive container for your personal healing and transformation. It would be an honour to hold space for you during this time. Let’s set intentions and work through whatever you are processing over this lunar cycle.


Aries - Page of Wands & Share

This is your moon, Aries! Step into your light. The Full Moon marks the point in the lunar cycle where we move from building and growing to sharing and shedding. The Page of Wands is a roaring campfire: contained by stones, the camp fire provides warmth, food, safety, companionship. On this Full Moon, think about your relationship to your creative energy — are you feeding your inner fire? How are you sharing your energy with your community? How you are showing up in the world? 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Taurus - Wheel of Fortune & Self Care 

The Full Moon is a time of peak energy, heightened stress, the culmination, the climax. Maybe you’re feeling like you’re in the midst of some huge change, only you can’t quite see the edges. Whenever you’re feeling out of control or like things are moving all around you, think about a bicycle wheel: when you’re on the rims, you’re feeling every bump in the road, every shard of glass. But when you’re in the centre, you are still, yo u are calm, you are safe. What grounding practices can you bring in to support yourself during this change? How can let go of expectations and tend to yourself in the present moment. Is your jaw clenched? Do you need to stretch? Be extra tender with yourself right now. Focus on how to best tend to your heart and your inner child. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Gemini - Ace of Swords & Risk 

Oh, Gemini. You have so many ideas, so much curiosity, and so little time and energy to follow through. This is a blessing, even though it might feel like a curse. Standing still long enough to make an idea a reality is a skill in and of itself. And this Full Moon, sweet Gemini, I encourage you to take a risk and follow through. This is the time. Whatever your brain is telling you, whatever the leap in logic, whatever the bizarre idea — trust it. This moment is a gift, but the thing is you need to do the work to make it happen. Whenever an Ace shows up, it’s a signal it’s time to get going. Stop thinking and planning. Focus on the next step you need to take to make the thing happen. If you are waiting for a “yes” or an invitation — this is it. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Cancer - Justice RX & Time 

Time is both the greatest healer and the cruelest teacher. But one thing Time is exceptionally good at is slowly removing layers of confusion and ego and obfuscation  around ourselves, our stories, the lies we tell ourselves. What ideas/stories/narratives did you once hold true that don’t fit you anymore? What truths about yourself are you now coming to understand? Are there areas that you refusing to acknowledge, to dive into? This is a time to take the macro view of your life. What is actually going on, outside the mess of your immediate emotions? Justice Reversed invites us to get radically honest with ourselves. What you do with your truth is up to you… but don’t lie to yourself. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Leo - 5 of Wands, RX & Focus 

The creative process can sometimes require destruction and chaos. Whenever we’re working on a project or task, we are going on a journey. We take the leap, cross the threshold, and then things get… messy. Uncomfortable. Weird. Don’t get discouraged, Leo. This Full Moon might be triggering anxiety and frustration about where you are in the process. Maybe you feel left behind, or like you should be farther along. Just keep going forward. This is a necessary step of any creative process. You’re working through something big. Keep your eye on the prize. Keep going. You’re doing great. Don’t stop. Keep going. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Virgo - 2 of Pentacles, RX & Breathe 

2 of Pentacles reversed always reminds me of those moments when I am juggling so many different tasks, lists and to dos that I can’t stop to rest — i have to keep moving, or else the adrenaline will stop and everything will fall apart. We can’t control chaos — sometimes shit happens and we get busy and stressed. This is your reminder to breathe. Breathe through the stress. You can juggle everything and still be present with your body. In fact, being present in these moments is how we can best take care of ourselves during times of chaos and whirlwind. Remember that saying no to someone’s request is always a valid choice. Wherever possible, ask for help and support. If you can’t figure out what to let go of, get really really quiet and listen to your higher self/inner child/spirit/whatever. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Libra - 6 of Swords RX & Service 

How much of yourself are you giving away to others, Libra? How much are you asking in return? Sometimes being of service to others requires us to first and foremost take care of ourselves. Don’t forget that you are also worthy of tenderness and care. Do you feel like you need to be punished in order to be forgiven? Where do you feel you need to atone? Maybe instead of looking to people outside of yourself for validation and judgement… maybe you are your own best judge of your goodness. You care so deeply about what other people think, you get lost in a hall of mirrors and forget that you can’t please everyone. Forgive yourself for not being all things to all people. Focus on the areas of your life that feel well-aligned with service: who is asking for your help? Go help them. Where are you caring for others at the expense of your own health, energy and happiness? That’s where you need to recalibrate, draw back, and refocus. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Scorpio - Judgement & Grow 

This Full Moon is not fucking around, Scorpio. And neither are you. This is some Big Mars Energy, and you are being called up to meet it. This lunar cycle, you are being called to grow the fuck up. This might be a wake up call to get your shit together. Or maybe it’s the culmination of committing to your daily practice (whether that’s going to the gym, meditating… whatever “healthy” looks like for you). You are now in a moment of levelling up. Take a look at your life, see the areas where you want to recommit and refocus, and let that be your intention between now and the next Full Moon. You’re growing up, Scorpio. And you’re doing so well. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 

Sagittarius - 2 of Cups RX & Forgive 

Lunar energy connects us to our emotions — for many folks, the bigger the moon in the sky, the more dramatic and wild their emotional body. This Full Moon offers a beautiful invitation to get close to your emotions. Let them take you for a ride. Let them reveal some the wounds in your heart so that you can heal them. Where have you been hurt, and where are you hurting others? Can you acknowledge these places without falling into blame and shame? Give yourself the same kindness that you would offer your best friend or a young child. Forgiving yourself is often the first step to healing. Take care of yourself tonight, sweet flame. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Capricorn - 9 of Pentacles, RX & Change 

This Full Moon is inviting you to step in your highest, most evolved most ambitious self yet. You are growing and changing and thriving. Take a moment to reflect on all of the mountains you’ve climbed, the challenges you’ve overcome. And yet. The need to overcome, to win, to achieve can be addictive. Change can be addictive. When you’re always trying to level up, you aren’t living in the present — you can’t appreciate the gifts of the here and now, if you always secretly want to be elsewhere, to be growing.  This is a good opportunity to check in on your goals and ambitions — do they make you happy? do they nourish you? or are they simply just the next step? the rung on the ladder? 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Aquarius - 5 of Pentacles & Challenge 

This Full Moon might be bringing up feelings of contraction and scarcity. We are standing on the wheel of the year, and in the Northern hemisphere, we are looking over the edge of the abyss into winter — a time of darkness, a time to be fallow, a time of rest and integration. For many of us, this can inspire fear and feelings of scarcity. Take care of yourself through the seasonal transition. Remember that you are made for this, Aquarius. You are being invited to confront these feelings of scarcity for a reason: how can you think differently about abundance? Can you find small pockets of joy and comfort in the midst of this contraction?  How would it feel to call upon the Empress and burn bay leaves and work with an abundance mindset? 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth. 


Pisces - The Hermit RX & Love 

This Full Moon is reminding you that walking your own path, prioritizing your authenticity and truth, is the fastest path to love. Mystical, intuitive and creative Pisces… being yourself is the most important thing for you in this moment. You are on a journey of self-discovery. Whenever the Hermit appears in a reading, it is a signal that we are traveling on a journey alone. We can only see one step a time. We can’t see the path in front of us. We can only make decisions in the moment and trust that they will take us where need to be. Your authenticity will guide you to love, Pisces, and will help you be the light of others. 

Want to work more deeply with the energy of this cycle? Meridian Tarot readings are opportunities for frank conversation, self-reflection and personal growth.