Aquarius Season 2022

Aquarius season features some of the most important astrological events in the first quarter of 2022 and sets us up for the transits to come in Pisces season.

We get off to a slow start, however. At the beginning of Aquarius season, we have two inner planets retrograde, which invites us to slow down, pause and review before we can move forward. This is very antithetical to the “new year, new you” vibes that characterize the month of January. So, if you’re struggling with motivation and planning, you’re not alone.

A few days before the Sun enters Aquarius, Mercury stations retrograde at 10° Aquarius. This retrograde is more difficult than usual, as Mercury is connecting with several slower-moving outer planets, which means it is activating some of the most potent, overarching energies in the collective at the moment. Watch out for feelings of frustration, restlessness, impatience and coming up again obstacles, especially mid-January. Mercury will move back into Capricorn on January 25, meaning that there is more work to be done around practicalities and details before we can move forward. If you are delayed, trust that you are being asked to slow down for a reason.


Happy birthday, Aquarius babes!

That’s right, you beautiful weirdo! Aquarius season is your time to shine, as the Sun returns to its original position in your birth chart. Birthdays are really important in astrology and mark important transitions between one cycle and the next.

In your Year Ahead Birthday reading, you’ll learn about the major focus of your life for this year and get support and guidance for mapping out your year ahead.


Things will start to pick up speed later in Aquarius season. On January 24, Mars enters Capricorn, a sign where it thrives. Mars in Capricorn is ambitious, focused and powerful, and it will likely help us get back on track. Mars will bring a sense of urgency and motivation, encouraging us to take decisive action and make key choices, so we can move forward.

Venus stations direct on January 29, which is a welcome change of pace. What have you learned about self-care and pleasure and connection over the past few months? Look out for opportunities to apply what you’ve learned during Venus’s retrograde cycle.

But things will really speed up once Venus and Mars come together on February 16th. Venus and Mars bring forward tension, but it can be a really motivating and inspiring kind of tension. Watch out for heated moments from mid-February to early March. Venus and Mars will make one more conjunction, at 0° Aquarius, on March 6, 2022… I’ll be talking about that more in Pisces season!

The Aquarius New Moon on February 1st takes place at 12° Aquarius, perfectly snug between a square to Uranus and conjunct Saturn. This brings our attention to the long-simmering Saturn-Uranus square that has been haunting us since early 2021. Watch out for themes of innovation vs tradition and how the structures in your life need to be reorganized. If you’ve been something the same way for a long time, January 30-February 4 might make you suddenly restless and impatient with it, and provide you with the energy to change it up.

Another important thing to note about Aquarius season is that the Sun will square Uranus in Taurus on January 30 and then conjoin Saturn at 15° Aquarius. This activates the ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus and will likely re-stimulate themes around impatience and frustration, as we are confronted with a roadblock we need to slowly overcome.

By the end of Aquarius season, Mercury is direct and back in Aquarius, moving forward with great speed. Venus and Mars stay close together until early March, so we can expect those themes to continue into Pisces season. Pisces season is going to bring forward a lot of emphasis on Neptune and Jupiter, so you can look forward to much more connection and emotion after Aquarius season.

Days to watch this month

  • Mercury retrograde — January 14 - February 4

  • Mars enters Capricorn — January 24

  • Venus stations direct — January 29

  • Sun square Uranus — January 30

  • New Moon in Aquarius — February 1

  • Sun conjunct Saturn — February 4

  • Full Moon in Leo — February 16

  • Venus conjunct Mars — February 16

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