The Astrology of May 2021

We have a busy and dynamic month coming up, one that features a number of dramatic and exciting transits. The energetic focus shifts from the solid earth sign of Taurus to the mutable air sign of Gemini. We are moving from shoring up our foundations and putting down roots to starting to exchange our ideas with others. There’s a lot more movement, change and flexibility in May than there was in April.

Overall, the first half of the month is relatively calmer and more stable than the second half. We begin the month with Mercury and Venus entering Gemini. This is especially nice for Mercury and Venus, as Mercury is in its home sign, and Venus gives a boost to every planet she touches. We’ll have a lovely New Moon, one that has a lot of positive essential dignity. It’s a stabilizing and supportive lunation, one that can help ground and secure us before the second half of May. This will be the last Taurus lunation that isn’t involved with an eclipse, so definitely be sure to appreciate and soak up that New Moon!

We also get the amazing gift of Jupiter entering Pisces on May 13th. Jupiter is known as “the great benefic” and is one of the most powerful, supportive planets in the sky. Jupiter brings gifts of abundance, expansion, wealth and optimism. And in the traditional system, Jupiter rules Pisces — meaning we are about to get a very powerful, supportive Jupiter. This just a sneak peak, since Jupiter will only reach 2° of Pisces before stationing retrograde and moving back into Aquarius. But it’s a beautiful transit and one that we should all enjoy and appreciate!

The latter half of the month gets a little tricky. Saturn stations retrograde on May 23rd, which in and of itself isn’t too difficult (in fact, when Saturn goes retrograde, we sometimes get a lessening of Saturn significations for a couple of months). The problem is that Uranus is picking up speed, and Saturn’s retrograde cycle means the two planets are getting closer and closer together. The Saturn-Uranus square will perfect on June 14th, but we will feel the energy start to pick up and intensify when Station stations.

This month features the first eclipse of the year—a Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse at 5° of Sagittarius. This is a very erratic and energetic full moon, and one of the biggest transits of the month. Eclipses are always dramatic, but this one is especially super-charged, as it takes place square to Jupiter. That makes everything about this eclipse feel bigger, and also connects the lunation to our concepts of faith and spirituality.

And finally, at the end of May, Mercury will station retrograde, while making a square to Neptune. This brings Neptune muddiness to what is already a pretty muddled and confused transit. Watch out for misinformation, deception or confusion around this time. Things might not feel very clear or straightforward. It’s a great time to look at a situation from a different perspective, to think creatively and intuitively, but it might not be the best time for strategizing or executing a complicated plan.

Discover how all these transits will play out in your life and in your birth chart by booking a reading today!

All dates/times in Eastern time zone.

May 2 - Mercury trine Pluto, RX; Venus sextile Neptune

We start the month with Mercury in Taurus making a supportive, flowing trine to Pluto (now inching its way retrograde) in Capricorn. The trine is a supportive aspect, one that indicates growth and expansion between the two planets. Mercury-Pluto trines can thus be very helpful for helping us to articulate what has thus far been unsaid, or finding the words to express something that feels enormous, deep and transformational. Pluto can also bring up themes of power, especially power imbalance, so you might find yourself understanding, expressing or somehow speaking truth to power.

Meanwhile, Venus, the planet of connection and harmony, is making a sextile to a short and sweet sextile to mystical, hazy Neptune. Our social connections and personal relationships might feel a little more blurry and vague during this time. This might actually feel kinda nice — small things that annoy you get brushed aside, you can sweep your problems under the rug. So like, not necessarily good for you, but it feels nice. However, this is a pretty subtle energy over all, and forms a hazy backdrop to the much more active transits this week.

May 3 - Mercury square Jupiter; Sun square Saturn; Mercury enters Gemini

It's a big day for Mercury, who forms a fast and furious square to Jupiter in Aquarius before leaving the solid, earthy pastures of Taurus for the mutable, every-changing sign of Gemini. Mercury and Jupiter are an interesting archetypal combination. Mercury dissects, deconstructs, and pulls apart — and then puts it back together — in order to understand something fully. Meanwhile, Jupiter is all about faith, belief and putting your trust in something you can't quite understand. These are contradictory and oppositional energies, which is why the signs Mercury rules (Gemini and Virgo) are opposite of the signs Jupiter rules (Sagittarius and Pisces).

When Mercury squares Jupiter, it can feel like our minds are in battle with our faith and ideas. Try to strive for balance — you don't need to nit-pick and criticize every tiny thing, but you also don't need to get swept up in something if it triggers your bullshit alarms. Mercury in Taurus wants us to be practical and Jupiter in Aquarius wants us to dream — so there might be some work to do find a way to reconcile these tensions and find a better path forward.

The Sun in Taurus also squares Saturn in Aquarius on this day, further highlighting the tension between practical Taurus and visionary Aquarius. The Sun is our solar system's guiding light and at the collective level, tends to represent our energy, vitality and sense of "alive-ness." When the Sun squares Saturn, the zodiac's Stern Teacher Who Is Disappointed In You, we can feel extremely critical, pessimistic, and like all of life's challenges are being thrown our way. Saturn is the planet of limits, restrictions, and the word "No." So watch out for something to feel frustrating, difficult or even stalled during this time. Try to remember that Saturn is a teacher for a reason — the things that slow us down, the obstacles in our way, there are lessons in all of them. (Even if they're annoying as fuck.)

It's with a sigh of relief that, late in the day, Mercury enters their home sign of Gemini. When a planet enters a sign it rules, you can think about it like coming home. And for Mercury, it's like coming home from a long, boring day of work, only to have a surprise Zoom call with friends that lasts for hours. As a mutable Air sign, Gemini facilitates fast, flexible, even frantic communication, making Mercury in Gemini its most talkative, communicative form of itself.

However, even as Mercury enters this fast-paced sign, Mercury itself will slowly start to slow down this month, as it prepares to station retrograde at the end of the month. (More on that later!)

May 6 - Venus trine Pluto, RX

Venus follows on Mercury's heels, forming a trine to Pluto before squaring Jupiter on its way out of Taurus. Where the Mercury trine Pluto likely brought the hidden power dynamics to the surface in order to be more understood and analyzed, the Venus trine Pluto is where we start to see those themes materialize in our social connections and how we seek peace and harmony.

As a planetary energy, Venus is all about how we harmonize, how we create supportive and nourishing conditions for our selves, and how we create peace and beauty in our lives. Venus really struggles with having the difficult conversations that are necessary in order to create long-term, sustainable peace. During this transit, watch out for invitations to vocalize and express the things that you've been sweeping under the rug. Try to find some productive ways of expressing this energy: if it really annoys you when your partner doesn't clean up the gross kitchen sink gunk after doing dishes.... tell them calmly and gently. This is a great time to name and express how you really feel, so that the feelings don't come bursting out at inopportune moments.

May 8 - Venus square Jupiter; Venus enters Gemini

Venus waves hello at Jupiter (who is inching its way through the very last degrees of Aquarius and will sooooon enter Pisces), before joining Mercury in Gemini.

Venus and Jupiter are both benefic planets, which mean they are both life-affirming, validating, expansive and supportive. So even when they are in a tense aspect, like a square, we still like to see it. Whereas the Mercury square Jupiter might have challenged our faith and ideas, the Venus square Jupiter is almost the opposite — the challenge is that we might feel extra supported and ambitious, in ways that might not necessarily be grounded in reality.

Venus ends the day in Gemini. It's never fun to say goodbye to Venus in Taurus, although with the square she had to Saturn and the conjunction with Uranus, it's safe to say we didn't get our usual happy-go-lucky Venus in Taurus experience. But Venus is being received by a very powerful Gemini, which certainly gives her a boost.

Venus in Gemini loves to play, loves to socialize, loves to make friends and new connections. It gives Venus a very fast-paced, energetic and enthusiastic quality, and one that might find you craving much more social activity than you might been used to, especially considering the pandemic and lockdowns, etc. Watch out for an increasing desire for communication, exchange, learning and expression, especially in the realm of art and creativity, while Venus is in Gemini.

May 10 - Mercury conjunct North Node

Mercury meets up with the North Node, aka Rahu, the head of the dragon in Vedic astrology. In Western Hellenistic astrology, the North Node is associated with increase and intensification. It makes any planet it touches even louder and more pronounced. And so, with Mercury in Gemini, we can expect this day to be extremely Mercurial and dynamic. Mercury is traditionally associated with finances, marketplaces and the exchange of goods and service so watch out for lots of activity in the business and financial areas of life, in addition to the more stereotypical things like communication and learning.

May 11 - Mars sextile Uranus, New Moon in Taurus at 21°

Our New Moon this month is happening in the luscious, fertile sign of Taurus. The Moon loves to be in Taurus — it's the sign of her exaltation, which means she is lifted up, supported and made even more nurturing while in this sign. This helps create really supporting and nourishing context for whatever seeds you’re planting during this new moon. After a pretty tough Full Moon in Scorpio at the end of April, you might be feeling a little extra run down and jagged. Use this opportunity to prioritize your body's needs and your self-care, whatever that means to you.

This is a very stabilizing and supportive New Moon. The Moon loves to be in Taurus—it is the sign of her exaltation—because Taurus energy is so nourishing, fertile and generative. Things love to grow and bloom in Taurus, and the Moon is allllll about that. The Moon is also being hosted by Venus (the ruler of Taurus) who is currently in Gemini, co-present with Mercury, the ruler of Gemini. This means that Venus is positioned very well, and can lend extra support, fertility and nourishment to the New Moon. Which is so lovely!

We also have a Mars sextile Uranus on this day, which adds a little bit of motivation and energy to the mood. Sextiles are harmonizing energies, that make us do a little bit of work in order to make a situation go smoothly. If your motivation has felt a little waterlogged recently, as Mars moves through Cancer, a sextile from Uranus can really helpful to give you a jolt and get you back on track.

May 12 - Mercury trine Saturn

Mercury moves on from the North Node, which is all about intensity and speed, to form a trine to Saturn, the planet of restrictions, limits and discipline. So while we might be forcibly slowed down after the burst of speed, it's not like we're hitting a brick wall. Instead, Saturn is here to help redirect our efforts, focus our attention, and help put in some constructive containers around our thoughts and ideas, so that we can ultimately be most productive.

This is a really supportive and productive transit. Both Mercury and Saturn are in signs that they rule (Gemini and Aquarius, respectively), which means they are both very well-resourced and powerful. They are also both in Air signs, so they are both concerned with the realm of ideas, thoughts, human intelligence, and abstract concepts. This is a great time for writing, communication, and editing. Saturn is very good at helping us pare down and get focused, and Mercury is able to help us articulate and communicate something that's important. Happening in the wake of the New Moon, this transit feels like a great time to get started on putting your New Moon intentions into action.

May 13 - Sun sextile Neptune; Jupiter enters Pisces

The Sun sextiles Neptune today, which is a nice little dreamy boost and everything, but I honestly don't even care enough to talk about it because JUPITER ENTERS FREAKING PISCES!!!!

This is a huge, huge transit. In the traditional rulership scheme, Pisces is one of the two signs that Jupiter rules. Pisces is the more yin, feminine and internal-focused expression of Jupiter. As a mutable water sign, Pisces is a sign associated with imagination, creativity, sensitivity and sensuality. Pisces invites us to experience and understand the world through all of our senses — touch, taste, sound, sight, scent — not just our dominant ones.

Jupiter has a lot of power and resources while in Pisces. Jupiter is an extremely mystical planet, one that helps to connect us with our faith, values and beliefs. While in Pisces, Jupiter can help us connect to those sensitive parts of ourselves, to expand new horizons within ourselves, and open our minds to creativity and dreams we never thought possible.

Jupiter will only be in Pisces for a few months, before it stations retrograde and then heads back into Aquarius. We will get a couple of months to enjoy and get a sneak peak of the Jupiter in Pisces energy, before it heads back into Aquarius and wraps up whatever work was started back in December 2020. Specifically, Jupiter is in Pisces from May 13 - July 28, 2021, and then will re-enter Pisces on December 28, 2021, where it will be until May 2022. This means the next few months give us just a quick preview of what is to come for us during the full transit in 2022.

May 17 - Sun trine Pluto, RX; Venus conjunct North Node

The word "intense" comes to mind, as I look at these two transits in combination. By now, we have experienced Mercury and Venus trine Pluto, so you probably already have a good sense of the general themes this transit is bringing up in your life. It's likely these themes will become more clear and pronounced on this day, as the Sun tends to shine a light on whatever it touches, bringing it to our conscious awareness and attention.

And because it's Pluto we're talking about, it's likely that the things illuminated are those that you would much rather ignore, push into the darkness and shadow. Things that we've been ignoring — particularly power dynamics, repressed emotions— will have the spotlight shone on them around this day. Pluto is a planet of transformation and transfiguration — it wants to alchemize our pain into something productive. Everything it brings to the surface is ultimately important and vital for us to shift through. But it's not always a pleasant experience, so be sure to resource yourself on this day.

We might see the Sun-Pluto dynamic play out most dramatically in our social networks, connections and community bonds. That's because Venus is making a conjunction to the North Node. Mercury has already gone through this transits, so once again, we might have a hint of what to expect already. But because of the Sun-Pluto dynamic in the background (the Sun is in Taurus, which is a sign ruled by Venus, so Venus' transits affect the Sun's vibe, too), I have a feeling the Venus-North Node conjunction might express itself by highlighting and amplifying our relationships. The North Node brings intensity to whatever it touches, and since we already have a intense and dramatic Sun-Pluto trine, this whole just reads to me like... a lot.

Be patient with yourself and others. Notice your reactions (either to other people or situations in your day) that are coming up and try to do some journaling on the deeper feelings and beliefs behind those reactions. There is a lot of important information coming up right now about our deep psychology and inner layers, and sometimes the best way to "manage" a transit, is to simply sit and feel it.

May 19 - Venus trine Saturn

Venus moves from the North Node conjunction into a trine with Saturn. This isn't exactly a nice and cozy sigh of relief after the intensity of the Sun-Pluto-Venus-Rahu situation a few days previous, but it is extremely productive and constructive. I see this trine as Saturn punching Venus on the shoulder and saying, "Buck up, kid! You've got this. Now here's a plan to accomplish your goals."

When in a trine, Saturn can offer Venus a helpful, practical quality. Together, Venus and Saturn give us the potential to make beautiful things long lasting and sustainable. Venus can often be averse to hard work (because work isn't... fun... obviously), but via the trine, Saturn gives Venus a really supportive, productive energy. Venus' job is to form bonds and create social cohesions — and with Saturn on her side, Venus wants to bring security and stability to those relationships. This is a good day for bringing a Saturnian "no-nonsense-practical-efficient" energy to Venusian things, like art, beauty, relationships, appearance, etc. And it also has the potential to help us find practical solutions to the issues that came up during the Venus-North node conjunction and the Sun trine Pluto.

May 20 - Sun enters Gemini

Welcome to Gemini season, babes! It's time to talk to 12 different people at once, and talk to the same person via 3 different methods of communication simultaneously. Gemini is the season that transitions us from spring to summer, and as the season progresses, in the northern hemisphere, the days are getting longer and longer, as we work our way to the summer solstice and Cancer season.

While in Gemini, the Sun shines its light through the mutable Air quality of Gemini. Gemini is extremely expressive and extroverted — it moves out and around in the world, taking different ideas, mixing them together, and then moving right along. Watch now that Jupiter is in Pisces, it means we have 4/7 traditional planets in Mutable signs (with the Moon will be in mutable signs a third of the time). This puts a lot of emphasis on flexibility, change, and invites us to be incredibly nimble this Gemini season.

Happy birthday, Gemini babes!

Book a Year Ahead Birthday Reading to celebrate your solar return! During this reading, we will use various astrological techniques to give you a glimpse of the themes of the year ahead. Plus, you’ll receive a detailed overview of all the major transits coming up for you and how they might manifest in your life. You’ll leave this reading armed with practical information that can help guide your decisions for the rest of the year!

May 21 - Sun square Jupiter

The Sun begins its journey in Gemini with a square to Jupiter. This is the first aspect Jupiter in Pisces has made to another planet, so watch out for the themes that come up during this time—it’s possible that they will be the same themes you’ll be experiencing or going deeper with throughout Jupiter’s transit through Pisces.

This might be a day of enlightenment and illumination — perhaps you are able to express some kind of fundamental belief in a way you hadn't been able to articulate before. Maybe you get a major download during a meditation. Maybe you read something that sparks something deep inside of you. Let yourself go with the flow and find inspiration wherever it exists.

The major downside I can see for this Sun-Jupiter combination is that it might give us tendencies towards pride, egoism, grandiosity and self-importance. We might get caught up in our own hype, as it were, or even swept away by the ideas of others, especially if they promise salvation and eternity. Try not to make life-altering decisions today — because of the underlying influence of Mercury square Neptune, things might not be what they seem...

May 22 - Mercury square Neptune

And now the mood of the month starts to turn. Mercury is currently moving very slowly, preparing to station retrograde, meaning that Mercury-ruled things (logistics, finances, technology, communication) are already starting to be affected. Mercury square Neptune is a very challenging aspect, as the two planets are very different. Neptune dissolves and unifies whatever it touches, bringing us into union... but it also wants to negate differences and make everything the same. Whereas Mercury is a planet that is all about breaking things up into smaller pieces so we can put them back together in different ways. Neptune wants life to be a hot tub, and Mercury wants life to be a ball pit.

And when they come together via a square, we might find ourselves lost in the fog, or find it difficult to make concrete decisions. The best way to manage Neptune transits is to not fight it. Don't expect yourself to be super productive or feel really energized on this day. Schedule some time off for yourself and try to carve out as much space as possible to just veg. This would be a great day to binge watch something fun and fantastical. (Might I suggest Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts on Netflix?)

Take note of what’s coming up for you right now — Mercury will station retrograde within a few degrees of Neptune on May 29th, meaning that we aren’t out of the woods yet with this transit. My biggest piece of advice is to proceed with caution with any information you learn around this date… when Mercury stations retrograde, things might be revealed to be very different than you expected, or there might be some kind of reversal of a situation.

May 23- Saturn stations retrograde

Big, slow, old daddy Saturn stations retrograde at 13°13' Aquarius. Whenever a planet stations retrograde, it slows and sits at the same degree point in the sky. That means whatever natal planets/points it aspects gets an extra long time with Saturn. If you have any important planets or angles at 12-14° of Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) — take note! You might experience some stagnation or restriction as Saturn starts to pick up speed and head away from that placement.

For the collective, though, the retrograde stations of planets like Jupiter, Saturn or any of the outer planets just simply... aren't a big deal. These transits don't manifest in our lives nearly to the same extent as Mercury, Venus and Mars. The outer planets go retrograde for ages, and Jupiter and Saturn's retrogrades last months as well. So unless you have a planet or point at 13° Aquarius, don't worry too much about it! (And if you do have a planet at 13° Aquarius and you are freaking out, you can always book a reading with me to learn more about what this means for you!)

At the collective level, this retrograde station is significant because it means that Saturn and Uranus are getting closer and closer together. Uranus is currently at 12° of Taurus, Saturn is at 13° of Aquarius, and Uranus is picking up speed and closing the gap between them. The second Saturn square to Uranus will happen on June 14th, but starting today, we are going to see an intensification of those significations. Think: calls for reform in systems, the desire to liberate oneself against restrictions, the desire to overthrow tyrants and seek freedom. Keep an eye on headlines and the news to see how this is manifesting at the collective level. Personally, this will be most impactful if we have planets or points around 12-14° of Fixed signs, as mentioned above. If so, watch out for how restrictions, limitations and authority is showing up in your life, and the ways in which you are seeking personal liberation and freedom. What are you finally ready to change that you’ve been ignoring for a while?

May 26 - Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) in Sagittarius - 5°26'

Buckle up, kiddos, it's eclipse season!

Eclipses happen whenever we have a New or Full Moon within 15° of the lunar nodes, which means they happen in pairs: first we'll have the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26 (that's the Full Moon), and then we'll have the Solar Eclipse in Gemini (that's the New Moon) on June 10th. Our next series of eclipses will happen this fall, including our first preview of the forthcoming Scorpio-Taurus eclipses that will characterize 2022-2023. But that's getting ahead of ourselves! Eclipses are a whoooole topic to themselves, and I will do a blog post about them soon! Hopefully by the time you read this, I can add a link to the post here for you to get more info about how to work with eclipses.

You can think about Lunar Eclipses as super-charged Full Moons. They bring about themes of culmination and manifestation. Whatever cycles we started during the New Moon in Sagittarius last winter, they are starting to come to fruition and be seen. Eclipses tend to bring about change, conflict and crisis — they force us to make decisions, either because we have finally had enough and need to make a change, or because they bring about external circumstances that are impossible to ignore. Eclipses also connect to longer term cycles and trends in our lives. Look at the Houses in your chart that include Gemini and Sagittarius — those topics are going to be highlighted for the next two weeks.

There's nothing much to do during an eclipse. I strongly advise against trying to "capture" or "use" this energy. Eclipse are portals into forces that are beyond our control. Their magic can not be harnessed; it can only be experienced, witnessed. Turn to practices that are reflective and internal, such as doing a tarot reading or stream of consciousness journalling, as opposed to ones where you are manifesting or asserting your will. This is a time to listen and receive.

May 27 - Venus square Neptune

Venus follows in Mercury's footsteps, forming a square to foggy Neptune. This transit has the danger of giving us some serious "rose coloured glasses", particularly when it comes to how we perceive those within whom we have close emotional and social connections. Neptune can really obscure Venus' judgement, inclining them towards romantic delusions, hero worship, and over-idealization in/of relationships. During this square, remember that some things are too good to be true.

May 29 - Venus conjunct Mercury; Mercury stations retrograde

This is a big and exciting day for Mercury! Venus forms a conjunction to Mercury, who is basically standing still in the sky, at 24°41' of Gemini in the afternoon (EDT). Officially Mercury stations retrograde at 24°43' a few hours later that day.

When Mercury and Venus come together in the sky, we get some lovely things: sweet communication, happy and playful thoughts, gifts of agreement and compromise, fun discussions about life, culture and relationships. We might find ourselves better able to connect with others and express full selves in our relationships.

The Venus conjunction definitely adds some sweetness and lightness to what otherwise might be a tricky day. The days before, during and after a Mercury retrograde station tend to be when we get the most significant and pointed expressions of Mercury retrograde type things: miscommunications, scheduling mistakes, technology failing us. So make sure you aren't double-booking yourself, give yourself lots of time between meetings, and don't be surprised if someone forgets to call you.

This retrograde station also takes place square to Neptune, which adds a heavy dose of Neptunian fog, confusion, and delusion to the mix. Things might come to the surface that were obscured or hidden. This fog will pass in about a week, once Mercury is steadily moving away from Neptune, but don’t be surprised if it feels like a slog.

I'll publish a blog post with more details about Mercury retrograde sometime this month, but the short version is: Mercury retrograde is a great time to devote energy to reviewing, reassessing and evaluating the important projects and activities in our lives. This could look like using this time to do a deep dive on your social media analytics for the past 5 months to see how things are going. It could also be a good time to reorganize your pantry or your closet. Basically, anything that requires us to think and reflect, pause and assess is nice to undertake while Mercury is retrograde.

May 31 - Mars trine Neptune; Sun conjunct North Node

Mars in Cancer forms a luscious and sensitive trine to Neptune, planet of dreams and illusions. This transits helps to Mars express itself in a much more fluid, creative and sensitive way. Trines to Neptune can really help to soften Mars' edges, make us feel more flexible and open, more relaxed egos and open to "going with the flow." However, Mars is already in the sensitive, emotional and watery sign of Cancer, where it struggles to assert itself. When we add Neptune to the mix, this has the potential to really make us feel overwhelmed, indecisive, and unfocused.

On the positive, the Mars trine Neptune could make us feel more creatively energized and in-tune with the universe — we can channel the Neptunian ideas and inspiration into something tangible and expressive. We could be called to fight for universal justice and do compassionate actions. On the more negative side, this aspect could make us feel unfocused, so overwhelmed by all the ideas and creativity that decisive action feels impossible. It could also bring up themes of corruption, power and aggression with spiritual, religious or healing environments.

Neptune has a ruthless quality that wants to unite everyone in a sense of cohesion and one-ness, and Mars is the warrior. So watch out for the desire to martyr yourself or fight with others about spiritual matters on this day, especially with the Sun conjunct North Node happening on the same day.

The Sun is our third planet this month to conjunct the North Node, so by now you should have a good sense for what the North Node in Gemini means for you specifically. Those themes will be illuminated during this transit, as the Sun comes face to face with Dragon's Head. The Sun represents the vision we have for our lives, the ideals we aspire to, and the path for our lives that we feel called to walk. It's possible that you will feel the urge to assert your will and more clearly define who you want to be and what that looks like on this day.

Thanks again for checking out this forecast! If you want to go deeper with the information and learn exactly how these transits might manifest in your life, you can book a natal chart reading today! We will go over all of your major placements and dive deep into what they mean for you and how your life might unfold. There’s so much to discover and I can’t wait to help you get to know your chart better.

In the meantime, let me know how these transits are treating you and how they manifest in your life. Did you have super literal manifestation of these transits? Let me know in the comments below!