Meridian Tarot

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Mars in Gemini - Tarot Spread

On Friday, August 20, Mars enters Gemini, where it will for the next seven months! Normally, Mars spends only six weeks in a zodiac sign, so this is a very unusual occurrence.

The reason for this extra-long stay is because of Mars’ upcoming retrograde. From October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023, Mars will be travelling backwards through the sky from 25° to 8° Gemini.

There are still a couple of months before the retrograde, but as soon as Mars enters Gemini, you will likely get a preview for what the Mars Retrograde will bring up for you. So it’s important to start observing and reflecting on what Mars in Gemini means for you right now — it will help you prepare for the retrograde this fall.

Prepare for Mars in Gemini with a tarot spread

Tarot (and oracle cards) are amazing tools for understanding major astrology. This tarot spread was designed to help you prepare for Mars’ long journey through Gemini.

Mars in Gemini - Tarot/Oracle Spread

  1. Major theme of the next 7 months

  2. Gifts of Mars in Gemini

  3. Challenges of Mars in Gemini

  4. Advice for cultivating stillness

Let me know how this spread went for you! Tag me on Instagram or leave a comment below.

And, if you want 1:1 support for understanding what Mars Retrograde in Gemini will mean for you & how to prepare for it, you can always book a COSMIC CHECK-IN. This is my offering designed to look at the upcoming astro weather and now it will affect you.