The astrology of January 2021

Hi friends and happy New Year! Today, I'm really excited to launch a new (free!) offering to you — monthly astrological forecasts!

For the rest of the year, I will be sharing monthly overviews of the upcoming astrological transits at the beginning of the month. Think of these like a weather forecast — if you know it's going to rain, you'll bring an umbrella when you leave the house, right? Astrological forecasts are the same idea, only instead of rain, it's the movement of the planets and the interaction of their archetypal energies.

Let me know how your month goes and how these transits play out in your life. The more feedback I get from you, the more my practice deepens and grow. Leave a comment & let me know how these transits affect you.

Want to go deeper? You can get the guidance and clarity you need to understand your chart & WTF these transits mean for you. Book a 1:1 birth chart consultation today.

The astrology of January 2021

January 1 - Mercury sextile Neptune

We start the year off with a subtly, dreamy transit of Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. Generally speaking, sextiles are harmonious aspects that require us to exert a little bit of effort in order to fully access them. Mercury governs our thoughts and communication, while Neptune introduces a dreamy, otherworldly tone to this aspect. In other words, this is a great day to nurse your hang over, take it easy, and do whatever cozy, chill activities make you happy. Get stoned, watch a bunch of movies, drink lots of water. (Or whatever works for you!)

January 4 - Mercury conjunct Pluto

When Mercury is conjunct Pluto, we will have a tendency to go DEEP and DOWN. Pluto is said to make big things really, really small or small things really, really big. Pluto takes us into deep, internal places — the dark places we often don't like to spend time. This transit can bring Plutonian themes up to the surface... which may or may not be great for your mental health, depending on how you're doing right now. This is a time to be extra gentle with yourself and listen to your body. If it feels right, this could also be a good time to do some deep inner work and self-reflection — this would be a great day to make an appointment with your therapist or healing artist of choice.

January 6 - Mars enters Taurus

After SIX MONTHS of being in Aries, Mars finally enters Taurus. And even though Mars doesn't traditionally love to be in Taurus, it will be nice to have a shift of emphasis away from the part of our charts that contain Aries. Taurus is opposite of Mars' home sign, Scorpio, meaning that Mars is considered to be in "exile" or "deteriment" when they are in Taurus. Mars' fiery and aggressive nature is at odds with the Venus-ruled Fixed Earth sign. Mars wants to rush head in and take control, but Taurus lends itself to a softer, slow and steady approach. You might feel impatient or stagnant during this time, like you're trying to run with lead boots.

Mars in Taurus is one of the major themes of January and February 2021. As the month continues, the inner planets will move into Aquarius and form squares with Mars. These are tense aspects that often motivate us to change things. We become impatient or frustrated and that conflict forces us to make a change or find a resolution. However, these aspects are happening in fixed signs — these are signs that are concerned with building and growing. Fixed signs take a really long time to get ready and start moving — but once they go, they are in it for the long haul. Think about the energy and events of January and February as being push you need to start making some long-term changes.

January 8 - Mercury enters Aquarius & squares Mars, Venus enters Capricorn /// January 9 - Venus trine Mars, Mercury conjunct Saturn

Ok these two days are jam-packed with transits that are influencing one another, so I'm putting them together.

Whenever we have inner planets changing signs it brings a change in energy and tone. In this case, we have two inner planets - Mercury and Venus - changing signs and then immediately interacting with other inner planets. These days are going to feel pretty busy and loud, but when the smoke clears, we are going to be in a very different energetic waters than we were before.

Mercury enters Aquarius on January 8, squaring Mars (who has juuuust moved into Taurus) immediately. This is the first of three Mercury-Mars squares that will happening in the first quarter of 2021, so take note of the themes that are coming up right now — you'll have two more opportunities to explore them.

This is a tense aspect between the planet of words and the planet of fights — so watch out for fighting words. Heated conversations, feeling attacked (especially with cutting words or detailed data) are common for Mercury-Mars transits. Conversely, it could also give you the courage you need to stand up for yourself and speak up about something you've been too anxious to share. Just watch out for getting carried away — this can be very aggressive energy, and you might come across as more combative than you intended.

As Venus enters Capricorn, the planet of pleasant things moves into a trine with Mars, planet of war and strife. Generally speaking, these two planets are opposites, but their current configuration is actually pretty supportive and harmonious — Mars is in Venus' sign and she is in the superior position, which means Venus is likely to be able to smooth out Mars' hot edges and turn their antagonism into chemistry. Looking at this transit in isolation, I'd say this would be a pretty great time to get sexy and explore your erotic and creative energy, but the Mercury-Mars tango miiiight make you pick a fight with your partner instead.

January 11 - Mercury conjunct Jupiter

Next up, Mercury bumps into Jupiter at 4 degrees of Aquarius. Jupiter is the greater benefic and a wonderful planet to work with. Hopefully this day brings a bit of optimism, growth and abundance to your communication. We're still pretty close to Saturn and Mercury is about to square Uranus, so you might not feel this transit too much. Think of it as a little extra boost to get you through the next day.

January 12 - Mercury square Uranus

Mercury's square to Uranus is the first in a series of transits to Uranus that are some of the big signatures of the 2021 astro-weather. Uranus is the planet of invention, revolution and upheaval. This is a great transit for innovative thinking, jolts of inspiration, and visions of the future. It also make neutrotic, analytical energy all the more electrified, so self-soothe as necessary!

January 13 - New Moon in Capricorn, Mars square Saturn, Venus trine Uranus

Late January 12/early January 13, we have a New Moon in Capricorn. New Moons are times to set intentions for the lunar cycle ahead. When other transits happen before, during or immediately after a new moon, we can look at those transits to learn more about what the upcoming lunation cycle might be like.

This particular New Moon takes place at 23 degrees of Capricorn, nice and close to Pluto at 24 degrees. We also have Mars square Saturn and Venus trine Uranus in this chart, as well as the building of Saturn square Uranus. This brings some seriously explosive and revolutionary energy to our lives during this time.

These are some pretty intense, deep energies to move through. Foundations are shifting beneath our feet. Structures are being called into question. We are planting seeds of rebellion, of questioning power, of Promethean-like desire for liberation. Look at the part of your chart that contains Capricorn, Aquarius and Taurus to learn more about what seeds are being planted for you right now. How intensely you'll feel this transit will depend on your birth chart. If you placements around 23 or 24 degrees of cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, Aries) or early in Fixed signs (0 to 6 degrees of Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio) this is going to be extra loud.

January 14 - Uranus stations direct, Sun conjunct Pluto

The themes of the New Moon continue as Uranus stations direct and the Sun crosses over Pluto's threshold. Generally speaking, outer planet retrogrades aren't a huge deal. The outer planets move so slowly, they go retrograde for months and months. However, it's always important to note the days they station and the degrees at which they station. That's because they are going to hang out around those degrees for a reeeaally long time. So if you have a planet or point between 3 and 9 degrees Taurus, you'll likely feel this bad boy. Otherwise, it's not going to be as dramatic.

January 17 - Jupiter square Uranus

Jupiter joins the Uranus square party! Jupiter has a habit of making everything it touches BIGGER and LOUDER. So Jupiter might just take Uranus' tendency for rebellion and revolution and turn it up to 11. Squares are tense aspects that are of the nature of Mars — they are often combative or aggressive, as the planets vie for control. Jupiter is the planet of law, religion, philosophy and justice, so watch out for events in your life or in the news that bring these themes for the forefront.

January 19 - Sun enters Aquarius

Happy birthday, Aquarius babes! Tis the season of your solar return. Unfortunately, this is actually a tough situation for the Sun. The Sun is in exile in Aquarius (which is opposite of the Sun's home sign, Leo), and during its foray, it will conjunct Saturn and then square Uranus. Watch out for Solar themes running into difficulty: this could be leaders, such as the head of a country or the head of a company; it could be a religious figure; or it could even be a father figure, depending on how your personal chart is configured to this transit.

January 20 - Mars conjunct Uranus

Mars has been inching closer and closer to Uranus throughout the month, but now we have the peak of that transit. Watch out for your aggression and drive during this period of time. This transit can tend to make us want EVERYTHING TO CHANGE, ALL AT ONCE. But change is NEVER straight forward, fast or easy. It's always messy, complicated and deep. Mars is going to feel extra impatient, but being in Taurus, it's not going to be able to achieve its goals the way it wants. The Uranian energy can make things extra explosive and dramatic during this time, as well.

The Moon will also be active in this dynamic, triggering our emotional and physical body. This will make us FEEL the conjunction on emotional level, even more deeply than we might otherwise.

January 23 - Mars square Jupiter, Venus sextile Neptune, Sun conjunct Saturn

The Mars-Uranus conjunction is still very much alive as Mars then moves into a square with Jupiter. Remember what I wrote about the Jupiter square Uranus and the Mars conjunct Uranus? Take that description and them shake it all around, and that's the energy we are in right now.

This is big energy, motivating energy. You might feel energized about taking on new projects and wanting to start a million new things. You might be firing on all cylinders and getting yourself worked up.

Fight the urge, folks. Because the Sun is conjunct Saturn, and Saturn is the planet of buzz killing sober second thought. Saturn is here to crush your dreams by reminding you that the only you achieve anything is by doing the work, one step at a time.

Try to harness this energy and be strategic about it. Start planning for long-term action. This is a great time for long-term planning and visioning for your future. Maybe figuring out how to restructure your business to do more of what you want. Maybe it's starting to plan for to do a renovation on your home next year.

Jupiter will be in Aquarius for most of the year and Saturn will be here for the next 3 years — this is the start of a loooong journey, my dudes. Fight the Martial urge to start a million things, but instead, use that energy to create some long-term plans and visions. Don't blow your load all at once!

Venus sextile Neptune adds a gentle, inspirational quality to this transit, supporting your ability to dream of possible futures. But be careful not to get swept away with what you're scheming — this is the beginning of a very long process. You're at the start of a cycle and you don't have all the necessary information yet. Let yourself dream, but as you move through the rest of January and 2021, have a loose grip on them — let them change and shift if you need to. Neptune has a tendency to make us overly zealous and committed to a vision that might not be grounded in reality. Don't forget to check yourself.

January 26 - Sun square Uranus

The feeling of change and uncertainty that has been pervasive throughout the month of January starts to peak at this time. For the days leading up to the transit and into the Full Moon on the 28th, you are likely going to feel this electric charge.

Solar themes of agency and sovereignty might be extra potent during this time — do you feel in control of your own life? How do you react when you feel out of control? With Uranus in play, the disruptions we're feeling are likely outside of our control. How do you stay grounded when the ground beneath you is breaking open? From now until the Full Moon, we are likely going to feel the transit more and more in our bodies and our emotions. This is a great time to double down on your grounding and self-soothing practices.

January 28 - Full Moon in Leo, conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

January's Full Moon in Leo lights up the fixed signs, highlighting all of the themes of the year thus far.

This Full Moon takes place with the Moon at 9° Leo, and the Sun and Jupiter at 9° Aquarius. Generally, Jupiter conjunct a Full Moon is GREAT news, but Mars is forming a square from its position at 10° Taurus. This really turns the "aggro" level up on this Full Moon. Watch out for sudden expressions of extreme emotion, or conflict bubbling up to the surface. Mars agitates, Jupiter expands, the Sun highlights and then the Moon will amplify and reflect all of the tension in the air.

Venus conjunct Pluto invites us to get real deep and dark with what we cherish, love and desire. Venus rules all things pleasurable, harmonious and nice. But nice does not always mean good. Venus would rather ignore uncomfortable truths in favour of pleasant conversation, but when they are conjunct Pluto, there is no room for shallow bullshit. This can be extremely confronting, as we are forced to address unpleasant and disconcerting truths — about our selves, our desires, and the consequences of choosing shallow pleasantries over the hard truth.

The Venus-Pluto conjunction and the Full Moon combine make for a pretty potent end to what has already been a pretty loud and explosive month. Full Moons are culminations, peaks. The seeds that we planted during the New Moon in Capricorn are coming to fruition and we are seeing the fruits of our labour. Notice what this Full Moon is bringing up for you and reflect on what you're learning about the themes mentioned above, especially as they pertain to power and control: how much you have, how much you desire, and how hard you're willing to fight to be right.

January 30 - Mercury stations retrograde at 26° Aquarius

Damn, January. What a way to go out. Our first Mercury retrograde of the year kicks off in at 26° Aquarius. Mercury retrogrades are by far the most common retrograde. They happen 3 times a year, and should really be viewed as opportunities to slow down, take a breath, and practice patience.

Mercury will station direct at 11 degrees Aquarius on February 20. If you have any planets or points between 11 - 26 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, or Taurus, take note: you'll feel this retrograde even more strongly.All of the Mercury retrogrades this year will take place in Air signs. Look at where the Air signs are in your chart — what house topics do they govern? That part of your life will be under major review throughout the rest of 2021, so it's worth while to take some time to reflect and journal about where you are currently at with regards to those themes.

Thanks so much for joining me for my FIRST astrological forecast of the year! As always, I'm curious to know how these transits affect you and show up in your life — send me an email or a DM on Instagram so we can chat! <3 <3 <3