Tarotscopes | Mercury retrograde in Pisces | February 2020

Tarotscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. Take what works and leave the rest. Read these tarotscopes for your Rising sign (or your Sun sign, if you don’t know your rising). You can also read the tarotscope for your Mercury sign. Want to learn more about Mercury retrograde and how to harness the retrograde for your soul’s highest evolution? Keep reading.

Decks featured: the Vindur Deck, the Arcana of Astrology.
Photography by: Davis Carr
Illustrations by: Erin Alise Borzak


Aries & Aries Rising // 10 of Pentacles 

This Mercury retrograde is a good opportunity for you to review your legacy and inheritance.  What have you taken on that is no longer yours to carry? What gifts have you received that you shun because they connect you to your lineage? What part of yourself are you refusing to embrace? This might be a time where secrets are revealed or things become apparent that you weren’t expecting. Look out for the ways that you unconsciously (or literally) keep yourself confined or trapped. These themes are largely triggered around resources, your sense of abundance, security and foundations. Whether you are building a family or trying to advance in your career, use this time to reflect on where your foundations need to be secured, so that you can build a strong structure. 

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Taurus & Taurus Rising // Knight of Pentacles 

This Mercury retrograde is inviting you to take some time to reflect on groups, networks and associations, and think about where in your life you are feeling momentum and where you are feeling stagnant. The Knight of Pentacles appears to remind us that we are going at exactly the right pace (sometimes this pace is much faster or slower than we’d like, and our brain freaks out… breathe through it). Your broader connections and networks are being highlighted right now. What groups do you belong to, and how are they nourishing and supporting you right now? Watch out for things that feel too good to be true… under a Mercury retrograde, they often are. 

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Gemini & Gemini Rising // The Tower

Hold onto your horses, sweet Gemini. The Tower is coming in hot, all happening in the place in your life that makes up the bulk of what you do for a living — your work and career. Watch out for shake-ups in your daily life, your work and your career. Remember that the Tower can only take away what is meant to leave you. Sometimes this can feel like everything is falling apart, but trust that whatever comes next, you are being invited to step into your true, authentic self. Trust your gut, no matter if it seems flakey or weird to anybody else. Take care of yourself during this process. Remember to leave time in between meetings and deadlines for things to go wrong or wires to get crossed. You’ll get through this.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Cancer & Cancer Rising  // Temperance RX 

This Mercury retrograde is inviting you into growth and change regarding your beliefs and your ideals. It might also be bringing up themes of long-distance travel: perhaps you’re travelling halfway across the world, or someone is visiting you from afar. The place in your chart where this Mercury retrograde is happening speaks of higher education, deeper learning, and spiritual beliefs, such as astrology and tarot. Temperance reversed speaks to a transformation happening inside of you. Something is alchemizing inside of you, something is growing, sparking, yearning to be seen. This retrograde will help to prepare you to share whatever the thing is with the world.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Leo & Leo Rising // 7 of Swords

How much are you holding onto, sweet Leo, what are you holding and why? This Mercury retrograde is inviting you to look at what parts of yourself you have shame around that you keep hidden deep inside. Have you internalized someone else’s expectation? Are you ashamed of some fundamental part of yourself and your identity? The parts of yourself where you feel shame are coming up to be reviewed, reassessed, and revisited — so that you can let them go. 7 of Swords appears during moments where we are being invited to be present with what we have, instead of fixed on what doesn’t belong to us. Come back to yourself and the present moment. Make your decisions based on where you are now and who you are now, instead of some imagined or projected future. The power is in your hands, Leo. Take it back.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Virgo & Virgo Rising // 4 of Cups

Taking place in your polar sign, this Mercury retrograde in Pisces might feel extra potent for you, Virgo. It is asking you review, reflect and reassess your significant partnerships — be these romantic, business or other formalized relationships you have in your life (like clients, for example). 4 of Cups is inviting you to look at your emotional boundaries and the things (or people) you are or are not letting into your life. Are you rejecting an opportunity or relationship because you feel scared? Or are you saying no to an opportunity that is not truly aligned with your highest and best? It can be hard to tell the difference between the two, and this Mercury retrograde isn’t going let you get away with using your intellectual faculties to bypass this decision. The next few weeks are going to ask you to do a lot of emotional work — noticing your emotions, naming them, understanding what they are teaching you and how they feel in your body. When it doubt, take a lot of time and space away to make a decision, so that you aren’t picking up on someone else’s energy or expectations.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Libra & Libra Rising // Justice, Reversed

Babe, I don’t know how else to say it, but Justice Reversed is showing up to call you out. Justice rules Libra, so whenever it arrives in a tarotscope for Libra, I know it’s speaking about you, your sense of self and identity. Generally when I see Justice Reversed, I see it as a moment when we are forced to acknowledge something we are avoiding — an uncomfortable truth, a sad realization. It represents a moment of thrashing and howling and tantrum-ing against a truth we don’t want to accept. For you, this realization has something to do with all of those daily, tiny choices that make up your habits, your health, and your wellness. This Mercury retrograde is inviting you into reflection of these parts of your life, as well as the tasks that make up your day job, the people you work with, or even your pets. Despite this retrograde’s inherent fogginess, the next few weeks can be a powerful opportunity for you to do deep reflection and thinking about what is and isn’t working about how you live your life. Use this time to journal, to talk to a therapist or a non-judgemental friend. Get it all out there. And then… don’t do anything with it. Let what you discover percolate until after the retrograde. Once we get to the halfway point of the cycle, you should be able to see some clarity… and hopefully, by the time Mercury is out of its post-retrograde shadow, you will have the energy and willpower you need to make those changes.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising // 8 of Wands

Zoom, zoom, Scorpio. You are on a roll. You are being carried forward on the strength of your passion, drive and motivation. All of the work you have done in the weeks leading up to this moment are paying off and all you have to do is let go. It might not feel like you are moving forward or creating anything or making progress — but trust the process. Remember, when Mercury is retrograde, our mental faculties are skewed — our perception is all off. It’s like sitting on a train and having another train over-take you — at some point, it makes you feel like you’re going backwards. Everything — even progress and success — is relative. Mercury retrograde is inviting you to review your creative projects and the things you generate our of your own will and creativity. How are you spending your energy? What projects are taking up your time? What projects should you invest in and which ones are you ready to release? Use the next few weeks to some reflection and journaling about these themes. Think about what drives your creativity and what makes you happy. I’m willing to bet that by the time Mercury stations (and definitely by the time it leaves its post-retrograde shadow), you will have new creatives paths unfolding. You are moving forward, my dear. You are making progress (even if it feels like you’re going backwards).

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising // Page of Wands, RX

This Mercury retrograde is happening in your house of house, home, family, foundations and where you came from. Page of Wands reversed is asking you to review where you need to re-ground, tidy up, and gather your energy. How are you nourishing your creative fire? I really like the metaphor of a campfire to describe Page of Wands. A campfire is the centre of human life — it is the place where we gather to stay warm, to feed, to communicate, to be together. If the fire was raging out of control, with no stones or barriers, it could hurt us. If the fire is small and weak, if we haven’t built is slowly, carefully over time, it can not provide us the warmth and comfort that we need. During this Mercury retrograde, I invite you to look at the foundations of your life: where you live, who you live with, who you share your life with, etc. Where is your fire burning low and where does it need to be reined in? This retrograde can help you reflect on your motivation and passion, and to see what needs to change in your life in order to burn brightly.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising // 6 of Swords

This Mercury retrograde is inviting you to review, reflect and reassess how you ask for help, how you bring in support from the people around you, and how you share and communicate with your people. 6 of Swords contains within a beautiful opportunity to share and exchange our thoughts, struggles and burdens with the people closest to us. Whenever I pull the 6 of Swords, I know I’m being invited to bring in support: whether that’s calling my bestie for an hour long phone call, booking an appointment with my counsellor, or going for a long walk by the river (without my phone). This retrograde is happening in the part of your chart that concerns communication and knowledge exchange. It governs texting, DMs and chit chat. (It also concerns our siblings, neighbours, etc… the people who are just kind of always around) Watch out for miscommunications in this area. When it doubt, ask for clarity. During a Mercury retrograde (especially one happening so close to Neptune, the planet of deception), honesty is the best policy. Be honest and open about how you are feeling. Give others the opportunity to respond to your honest and genuine feelings, so they can make the best decision for them. I think you’ll find that when you open up and let yourself be vulnerable, people will respond positively.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising // Strength

This Mercury retrograde is inviting you to review, reflect and reassess your relationship to money and resources, as well as how you earn it. How are you using your innate strengths and talents to support yourself? Does it feel good and aligned, or do you have some tweaking to do? Strength is showing up as your guide during this retrograde cycle to invite you to walk towards what scares you with an open heart. What you discover as you go on this journey of self-reflection might be troubling and scary, depending on what else this transit is activating in your life. Whatever is going on for you, allow it to come up and be seen. For most of this retrograde, things are going to feel murky and weird. After Mercury conjoins the Sun and leaves its post-retrograde shadow, you should (hopefully) be able to sort through the muck and figure out some actionable next steps to move forward.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.


Pisces & Pisces Rising // Ace of Cups 

This Mercury retrograde is taking place in your sign of self: you, your identity and sense of self, your body and your health. This is a beautiful opportunity for self-reflection and personal discovery. Dive deep, feel into yourself. Dream about who you want to become. This is a time for you to fill your cup back up, to luxuriate in all parts of yourself, to love all parts of yourself — especially those that you have abandoned over the years. Give yourself the gift of space and time to dream during these next few weeks. If it feels overwhelming and messy, remember that this is an important part of your cycle of evolution. Don’t fight it; instead, use it as an opportunity to learn about your needs and values — discover what you need to feel nourished and supported, and let that be your north star.

You can't fight the retrograde. But you can learn how to use it. Get your guide to Mercury retrograde in Pisces today.