Meridian Tarot

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Solar Eclipse in Scorpio | October 2022

Solar eclipses are moments of major new beginnings. It’s a super-charged New Moon, one that plants seeds and initiates events that will play out over the next six months. The Solar Eclipse on October 25 is taking place at 2° Scorpio.

Here are three major themes of the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.

To move forward, we must first let go.

The South Node is currently in Scorpio, meaning that the part of our charts that contain Scorpio are going through an 18-month process of release, purgation and letting go. It also means that that this particular solar eclipse contains an almost contradictory, energy. In Hellenistic astrology, the South Node was seen as the place where we let go of the material concerns (such as a wealth, status, power) in order to connect to the spiritual nature of the universe, to see our connection to the divine realm. South Node eclipses often have a feeling of loss and release to them.

But solar eclipses, on the other hand, indicate important new beginnings that will develop over the next months. They speak to things that are just getting started, humble new beginnings that we will nourish and grow over the next six months.

So, what happens when we combine themes of new beginnings with themes of loss? It means we must consider: what do we need to release to reach our goal? Where must we go backwards to go forward?

What does your heart say?

This solar eclipse also features a conjunction from Venus, which is still less than a degree away from the Sun, bringing up themes of desire, passion and relationships. What do you truly desire? What inspires you? What lights you up and moves your soul? And, perhaps most importantly, are you willing to fight for it? Will you pursue your desire, even if the process will be long and arduous?

Venus tends to struggle when in Scorpio. It’s not that we don’t get to access beauty, love and all that nice Venus stuff. It’s that Venus is more inclined to shine its line on the darker places in the world and in our psyche. Venus loves to build deep, profound intimacy, the type of connection that can witness you in all of your flaws and failures — and love you through it. Venus in Scorpio can make us feel very intense and focused on our loved ones.

Not all who wander (or wonder) are lost.

This Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is ruled by Mars, which is just days away from stationing retrograde. Mars retrogrades are all about things taking longer than we think they will (or, at the very least, longer than we want them to take). Mars retrogrades will slow us down, and force us to go backwards, review our work, and ensure the foundations are properly in place before we can move forward.

Plus, during the eclipse, Mars will be in a square to Neptune, which adds a layer of hazy, fog and confusion. This make you question what are you fighting for and whether or not it’s worth it. Over the next six months, you might feel a little lost. Things might take longer to come together than you want… or might come together in a way you hadn’t imagined. You might feel disenchanted with your purpose and need to do a little soul-searching in order to reconnect to your inner why.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t make much progress toward those goals in the next three to six months. Just because you are taking the road less travelled, doesn’t mean you are lost. Now is not the time to compare yourself to others. Just focus on whatever “behind the scenes” work you gotta do.

Want to know this astrology will affect you personally?

Get 1:1, personalized support and guidance for eclipse season with a Cosmic Check-In. In this session, you will get a high-level over of the major astrological cycles you are moving through and discover how these eclipses will likely affect you you personally.

How is this solar eclipse affecting you? Leave a comment below to let me know what themes are coming up for you!