Meridian Tarot

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Tarot spread: Mars stations direct

Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since October 30, 2022. And on January 12, 2023, it will finally station direct at 8° and begin moving forward once more.

Mars is the god of action and initiation — it’s the blast of a gun, the start of a race. It’s the motivating force that fires us up, it’s our willpower and dive. It governs our drive, our inner fire, and our ambition. When Mars is retrograde, we are invited to review how we are using our energy.

When Mars stations direct on January 12th, it’s a great time to reflect on the past seven weeks and what you’ve learned about yourself, your anger and your motivation.

Here is a tarot spread to help you review and reflect on Mars retrograde. This can be used with a standard tarot deck or an oracle deck.

mars stations direct tarot & oracle spread

  1. A major theme of Mars retrograde

  2. What did Mars retrograde ask you to release, shed or severe?

  3. What are you being invited to keep once Mars stations direct?

  4. What did you learn about yourself during Mars retrograde?

What did Mars retrograde bring up for you? What did you learn from doing this tarot spread? Leave a comment below and let me know!