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Scorpio Season 2022 - Astrology Forecast

Scorpio season 2022 will be one to remember. The first half, in particular, features some of the most important astrology of the year, with two super-powered eclipses, Jupiter moving back into Pisces and Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini.

By the time we reach mid-November, your life probably won’t look the same. Major structural changes to your life are coming.

Keep reading to get an overview of the astrology of Scorpio season 2022.

For more detailed, day by day overview of Scorpio season — plus tarot prompts + journaling prompts + magic spells + a wonderful community of witchy folks — sign up for the Hollow Valley Coven. Each month, members receive a guide to the zodiac season + access to an archive of spells and knowledge. You don’t have to be alone in your practice anymore! Join the Coven today.

want to know this astrology will affect you personally?

Get 1:1, personalized support and guidance for eclipse season with a Cosmic Check-In. In this session, you will get a high-level over of the major astrological cycles you are moving through and discover how these eclipses will likely affect you you personally.

Scorpio season kicks off with two major planetary movements. On October 23, Saturn stations direct at 18°35’ Aquarius. This marks the beginning of the end of Saturn’s time in Aquarius — once Saturn moves into Pisces in March 2023, it won’t be back in Aquarius until 2050! If things have been feeling extra stuck or bogged down recently, you’ll likely start to feel some relief in the coming weeks, once Saturn picks up speed.

Think of the next five months as your chance to make the most of Saturn in this part of your chart. Saturn helps us to focus, choose and prioritize. What parts of your life need a little TLC? Use the next five months to make it happen.

Also on October 23, Venus moves into Scorpio, immediately after going cazimi and making an exact conjunction with the Sun. The Sun and Venus are moving hand-in-hand right now. While in Scorpio, Venus brings beauty, connection and love to those dark, emotional places. Venus can find beauty in the darkness, make art about death, write poetry about heartbreak and find love in a hopeless place. This could also be a time when you find yourself exploring the taboo (Scorpio) in the erotic (Venus). Or maybe even feeling deep, intense feelings of yearning for connection.

Mere days after the Sun moves into Scorpio, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 2° Scorpio on October 25. Think of this as a super-charged New Moon, one that plants seeds and initiates events that will play out over the next six months. This is the beginning of a new cycle in the part of your birth chart that contains Scorpio. This solar eclipse asks you, what do you need to release to reach your goal? Where must you go backwards to go forward?

This eclipse will likely stir up themes around desire, passion and relationships. What do you truly desire? What inspires you? What lights you up and moves your soul? And, perhaps most importantly, are you willing to fight for it? Will you pursue your desire, even if the process will be long and arduous? The road will likely be rocky and hazy. You might need to move more slowly than you’d like. But if you keep an eye on the prize, you’ll get here you need to go… eventually.

BTW, I put together a guide to eclipse season for you, including a tarot spread you can do to unravel the meaning of this eclipse. Check it out.

This is the beginning of a new cycle in the part of your birth chart that contains Scorpio. This solar eclipse asks you, what do you need to release to reach your goal? Where must you go backwards to go forward?

A few days later, the watery energy intensifies, when Jupiter (who is currently retrograde) re-enters Pisces on October 28. This marks the beginning of a two-month process of reviewing and revisiting the Pisces part of your chart.

Jupiter in Pisces is dreamy, imaginative and hopeful energy. It wants to bring healing to the world, share generously and abundantly, and inspire creativity. This is a huge bright spot in the Scorpio season Astro weather, so make the most of it! Lean into your romantic, quiet, cozy side. Read poetry, make art, and tend to your core wounds. Give yourself permission to feel all the things.

On October 29, Mercury joins the parade of planets moving through Scorpio. This encourages us to express ourselves in a deep, probing and intense way. You might be a little quieter, a little more secretive, and maybe even a little more defensive/protective during this time. Rather than be super social and share your voice with all your acquaintances, you might be called to get closer with just a couple of people and develop that feeling of intimacy and vulnerability. A great time to one-on-one hangs and heart to hearts. And also for obsessively Googling your ex, so maybe don’t do that.

Right now, Mars is in Gemini, Mercury’s sign, while Mercury is in Scorpio, Mars’s sign. This is called a “mutual reception” and it means that Mars and Mercury are able to help each other out… or maybe egg each other on. Things might feel extra sharp or combative. You might be a bit on edge or defensive… or have to deal with people taking things personally.

Mercury in Scorpio is introverted. You might be a little quieter, a little more secretive, and maybe even a little more defensive/protective during this time. You might be called to get closer with just a couple of people and develop that feeling of intimacy and vulnerability. A great time to one-on-one hangs and heart to hearts.

The next day, October 30, Mars stations retrograde at 25° Gemini, beginning a 12-week journey backwards through Gemini.

Mars is the god of action and initiation — it’s the blast of a gun, the start of a race. It’s the motivating force that fires us up, it’s our willpower and dive. It governs our drive, our inner fire, and our ambition.

And so, when Mars slows down and starts to move backwards… your motivation and energy might slow down, too. You might not be able to make as much progress as you normally would. Rather than forge ahead and blaze new trails, take the time to review your past actions and motivations. This is a good time for behind-the-scenes work and to ensure that you have everything in order.

Your energy might be up and down over the next few weeks. Mars isn’t able to provide the same level of consistent motivation that it usually does. To make this easier on yourself, try to narrow your focus, block out distractions and commit to just one or two priorities. If you need lots of time to rest over the next few weeks, don’t panic. Let yourself go with the flow. There will be moments of inspiration and energy, so take advantage of those when they come, but otherwise, lower expectations of your “productivity” between now and January 12.

Between November 5 and 7, Venus goes through a pair of rough transits. First, it opposes Uranus in Taurus and then squares Saturn in Aquarius. There is a tension here between things being nice and peaceful and them being right and important for you. If you have been feeling stifled or restricted in some way, you might find yourself finally making a move, breaking free and going toward what you truly desire. But, because Saturn is involved, your desire for freedom will be challenged by your responsibilities. There’s a balance between accommodating other people and compromising your own needs. It’s just hard to find sometimes.

This brings us to November 8 and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 16° Taurus. This month’s lunar eclipse is what we in the astrology biz call “a doozy.” There is a lot going on, all of it very dramatic and overwhelming. The Moon will be conjunct with Uranus, the planet of revolutionary action, individual freedom and radical authenticity. This can be incredibly destabilizing, but it’s also freeing. You become more aware of the limits and structures in your life…. and willing to break free of them. This could be as mundane as realizing that eating wheat makes you feel gross or as dramatic as realizing you want to quit your job.

This can be incredibly destabilizing, but it’s also freeing. You become more aware of the limits and structures in your life…. and willing to break free of them.

But don’t panic yet — those changes are (probably) not likely to happen all at once. Remember, eclipses happen over a period of several months. This indicates a process of shedding and release, which will most likely only make sense in hindsight.

On the same day as the lunar eclipse, Mercury will make an exact conjunction with the Sun. This marks the beginning of a new cycle between Mercury and the Sun — think of it as Mercury’s “new moon” phase. There is a cycle of rebirth and renewal happening in Scorpio right now, one that will likely involve themes of knowledge, communication, study and ideas.

After the eclipse, the Sun and Mercury will square to Saturn on November 10 and 11. This could bring up a series of challenges that we are forced to overcome. There might be some reality we need to face or some kind of limit that needs to be adjusted. Especially in the wake of eclipse season and everything it might have shaken loose for you, this could be a time when you start putting limits on how you spend your time and return to some supportive habits.

But it’s not all bad news! From November 10 to November 16, Venus, Mercury and the Sun will trine Neptune and Jupiter. Neptune is currently at 25° Pisces, while Jupiter is hovering around 28° of Pisces, meaning that the faster-moving inner planets will trine Neptune first, then Jupiter. This adds a really romantic, dreamy and inspiring quality to the Astro-weather. You might find yourself craving transcendence and the sublime, or yearning to experience beauty, wonder and oneness. This transit can make us want to ignore the world (and our job) in favour of reading a good book, making art, or making love. This week isn’t great for super linear “productive” work — it could be very challenging to do something like edit a document or write a report. But it’s great for thinking about the meaning of life or getting lost in a good book.

This adds a really romantic, dreamy and inspiring quality to the Astro-weather. You might find yourself craving transcendence and the sublime, or yearning to experience beauty, wonder and oneness.

A word of warning: Neptune's transits can make us yearn to belong to something bigger than ourselves, and Jupiter exaggerates everything it touches, making things a bit extra right now. Try not to get swept away in groupthink or whatever the crowd is doing. Be wary of any group or practice that requires you to completely sacrifice your individuality.

On November 16, Venus moves into Sagittarius, and on November 18, Mercury joins the planet of love, beauty and harmony. This injects a bit of fire and excitement into what has otherwise been a very watery sky. You’ll likely find yourself feeling a lot more outgoing and social around this time. A great time to learn something new, start a new hobby or go to that networking event you’ve never tried before. Mercury and Venus are getting closer and closer together right now, so you’ll likely feel this energy growing and growing, until it peaks on November 21, when Mercury conjuncts Venus.

On November 19, Mars (now retrograde) forms a square with Neptune. This is the second time Mars has made this square in as many months. In fact, because Mars stationed retrograde so closely to Neptune, this energy has been in effect for a while.

Mars square Neptune asks: what are you fighting for and is it worth it? It can make you question your purpose and the underlying "why" behind your actions. Sometimes, this questioning can leave you feeling disenchanted and lost. But other times, you go towards the other extreme and get swept away by your ideals. Mars square Neptune might make you more inclined to self-sacrifice or martyr yourself for a cause. Don't be surprised if you feel extra lethargic, tired or apathetic today. This transit can sap our energy and motivation.

We finish Scorpio season with an inspiring and dazzling trine between the Sun and Jupiter on November 20. Both the Sun and Jupiter govern our faith, belief and philosophy. Trines are positive, abundant and encouraging aspects, so these two planets can help each other out. Watch out for omens and messages from your guides/ancestors/deities on this day. It's a great day to do some devotional work, so some spell-work or meditate and commune with your guides. It's also a great day to ask for help — both in your spiritual practice, but also in your everyday life, especially from mentors, teachers, bosses or elders in your community.

How are you feeling about eclipse season? Are you ready for Mars retrograde? Looking forward to Jupiter in Pisces? Let us know how this month goes for you in the comments.