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Cancer Season 2022 - Astrology Forecast

Summer is officially here — in the Northern Hemisphere, at least. Cancer season marks yet another turning point in the Wheel of the Year, the moment when the Sun reaches its peak. This month features Mercury, Venus and Mars changing signs, a cathartic/intense square between Mars and Pluto, and a lovely & nourishing New Moon in Cancer. There is a lot of Pluto action going on at the end of the month, as well — so buckle up! It’s going to be a wild ride.

Discover what the stars have in store for you, so you can prepare yourself for what is to come.

This is an expert from the Hollow Valley Coven’s monthly astrology forecast.

The Hollow Valley Coven is a membership and community where creative witches can come together to learn about empowered personal spell crafting, how to work with the energies of each astrological season, and build meaningful connections with other like-minded humans in a safe and encouraging space. New members are always welcome!

Learn more about the Coven & sign up.

June 21 — Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn - 28°

Today, Venus invites you to go deep into your relationships and probe what lies beneath the surface. You might feel a lot of intense emotions today, especially when it comes to your romantic partnerships, friendships, family dynamics… any scenario in which you are in a relationship with someone. You might be overwhelmed by a desire for a deep, strong connection. This is not a day for small talk — this is a day to go deep and forge connections based on the depths of your understanding.

This is a great day to deepen your relationship with someone and get radically vulnerable and honest. You might find yourself opening up about trauma or sharing a part of yourself that you usually keep hidden. For example, You might have a surprising interaction with a colleague where they share a part of themselves you usually don’t get to see. Or maybe a friend comes out to you or shares a secret about their romantic life.

Just watch out for the impulse to overshare — sometimes we can crave connection so badly that we open up too quickly before the person has really earned our trust.

June 22 — Venus enters Gemini

Venus enters Gemini, Mercury’s light and social home sign. While Venus loses some essential dignity in Gemini, it also means Venus is away from the North Node and Uranus, which means things might settle down a bit.

Venus in Gemini is the quintessential social butterfly. It wants to make a million connections, do a million different things, and have a million different conversations. Friendships and relationships take on a different quality when Venus is in Gemini. You might find yourself yearning for social time and mental stimulation. When in Gemini, Venus becomes very flexible, adaptable and changeable — it likes to have the freedom to move around and roam. Depending on your personality, it might be really fun to have a more active social life. But other people might find this lighter, less settled energy more stressful, especially if you prefer your relationships to be grounded and steady.

Venus in Gemini is playful, and experimental and loves to play games and have fun. Watch out for spontaneous invitations and unplanned adventures — like running into an old friend at a coffee shop and then deciding to have a backyard bbq later that afternoon. This is a great time to say yes to new ideas and be a bit more adventurous.

  • Venus is in Gemini from June 22 to July 17, 2022

June 28 — New Moon at 7° Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer always feels particularly yummy to me. This is a very internal and self-reflective New Moon, one that invites you to go inwards, into the intangible and liminal parts of yourself — your feelings, your emotions and your inner life become the focus of your attention around this time.

Cancer New Moons are a great time to think about what self-care means to you: whether it’s responsible, reflective or restorative (thank you Morgan for this concept of different types of self-care! If you search far back in the #self-care-check-ins channels, you can see discussion of it on March 8, 2021).

This is a really wonderful New Moon to set an intention or create a new habit around something that will nourish your body, heart and soul. Whether it’s taking a break from social media or committing to a meditation practice… there is a lot of potential for healing, comfort and support on this New Moon.

The New Moon in Cancer features an exact square to Jupiter in Aries. This adds a bit of tension to the upcoming lunar cycle, as squares usually bring some kind of challenge or need for adjustment. Maybe you just want to be alone with your thoughts, but repairs are needed to your home so you can’t totally veg. Or maybe you are feeling really tired and want to focus on your self-care, but there is a big project at work that needs your attention. Try to stay flexible around this date and be willing to adjust your plans to whatever unexpected surprises come your way.

At the global level, this New Moon square Jupiter might bring up cultural/social/political mythologies of family, community, country and race. Jupiter is associated with politics, ideologies and government structures, while the Moon governs who (or where) we call home. Cancer can be a very nationalistic sign, one that prioritizes those people we consider to be on “our” side. It will be interesting to see if/how this manifests in the world around us, especially with Mars’ upcoming square to Pluto.

July 1 — Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn at 27°

July starts off with a bang as Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. This is a very powerful transit. Mars is a fierce, fiery warrior while in its home sign of Aries, single-minded in its focus, and able to reach its goals with ruthless intensity. Pluto is a planet of power, catharsis, purgation and purification. It brings out what lurks below so that it can be witnessed, confronted and processed.

Squares indicate tension, stress and a need for adjustment. When these two planets square each other, watch out for themes of willpower, power struggles and control. You might experience someone trying to exert control over you and your autonomy — or you might find yourself trying to force your ideas or opinions onto someone else. Mars square Pluto can incline you (or others around you) towards brute force and ruthlessness. You might also be more sensitive towards other people making demands of you — if you are typically someone who is accommodating, you might find yourself suddenly drawing a line in the sand and refusing to back down.

If you have a major goal that needs to be accomplished, this is a great day to break through barriers and make shit happen. But it’s very easy to over-exert yourself and push too hard, resulting in burnout or other negative consequences.

But, if you have been repressing your true feelings or desires, you might find yourself suddenly overwhelmed by them. Mars square Pluto can result in moments of volcanic catharsis, where that which has been hidden comes to the surface. If you can, try to find a healthy way to express all of those feelings inside of you. Because Mars is involved, it might feel good to express those feelings in a physical way that doesn’t harm others: for example, screaming into a pillow, going for a run, or going to a boxing class are great ways to channel this energy.

At the global or collective level, there might be expressions of violence or chaos around this day, particularly when it comes to governmental authority or police aggression. After all, Mars is the military and Pluto is power and control — so there might some tension between these two themes around the world. Personally, I am interested in how this might manifest in Canada, since July 1st is Canada Day (although, of course, fuck colonialism!!!), so this transit will be embedded in Canada’s solar return chart.

July 2 — Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius, square Neptune at 25°

This is a weird day for Mercury, who experiences two very different transits on the same day. Saturn gifts Mercury with discipline and mental focus, which is really helpful for Mercury in Gemini, who tends to want to do all of the things, all at once. Saturn can help direct your attention towards what needs to be prioritized. Generally, Mercury trine Saturn is a great time to do focused, detail-oriented work and make steady progress towards your goals.

However, Mercury square Neptune is basically the opposite transit. Neptune blurs lines and brings distortion, confusion, and haziness. This makes it difficult to think critically, be observant and make important decisions. Maybe a new idea throws you off course and creates a distraction. Or something goes wrong with your tech, so you aren’t able to accomplish all the tasks on your to-do list.

Go with the flow today. If you can’t focus or get your work done, don’t beat yourself up. You might find inspiration in unusual places. Or you might end up getting a lot of work done on a project that wasn’t necessarily on your to-do list, but you felt inspired to do it anyway. Find the path of least resistance and let yourself follow it. There’s nothing wrong with a chill, easy day.

July 5 — Mars enters Taurus

Today, Mars leaves its fiery home sign of Aries for the green pastures of Taurus. Taurus is a difficult sign for Mars to be in — it’s the sign opposite of Scorpio, Mars’ other home sign, meaning that Mars in Taurus is a stranger in a strange land. Mars' fiery and aggressive nature is at odds with the Venus-ruled Fixed Earth sign. Mars wants to rush head in and take control, but Taurus lends itself to a softer, slow and steady approach. You might feel impatient or stagnant during this time like you're trying to run with lead boots.

After six weeks of Mars working hard to get shit done, things slow way down once Mars enters Taurus. However, while you might not be going as fast as you are used to, Mars in Taurus is great at focusing on a single task or goal. Mars in Taurus is single-minded, stubborn and resolute. It doesn’t shy away from a challenge and is willing to take the long way towards its destination, so long as it keeps making progress. While Mars is in Taurus, you might find yourself confronting some obstacles on your path toward your goals, but if you slow down and take your time, you will be able to overcome them.

While in Taurus, Mars is going to form conjunctions to both Uranus and the North Node in August, which makes for very dramatic and intense astrology. You’ll learn more about that in upcoming astrology forecasts.

  • Mars is in Taurus from July 5 to August 20.

July 5 — Mercury enters Cancer

Get ready for things to get emo! Mercury enters the sensitive, intuitive and lunar realm of Cancer. When in Cancer, Mercury thinks with the heart. For the next few weeks, watch out for increased intensity of emotions and emphasis on how you connect and communicate interpersonally. Cancer is a sign that emphasizes connection and togetherness, and when Mercury is there, you are more likely to be empathetic and sensitive. This is a great time to write poetry and love letters, to share your feelings and to speak from the heart. You are likely to absorb information at a deeper, more intuitive level while Mercury is in the lunar realm. You might be more drawn toward stories of humanity, friendship and love, rather than pure, analytical facts or data. This is not a time to make decisions rationally — it’s a time to trust your instincts and follow your moods. The sign of Cancer tends to be moody, sensitive and changeable, so watch out for your thoughts and feelings to go up and down.

  • Mercury is in Cancer from July 5 to July 19.

July 8 — Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries at 8°

Mercury is moving very quickly right now, speeding through Cancer and preparing to conjoin the Sun. But first, Mercury will square off against Jupiter in Aries.

Mercury and Jupiter are an interesting archetypal combination. Mercury dissects, deconstructs, and pulls apart — and then puts it back together — to understand something fully. Meanwhile, Jupiter is all about faith, belief and putting your trust in something you can't quite understand. These are contradictory and oppositional energies, which is why the signs Mercury rules (Gemini and Virgo) are opposite of the signs Jupiter rules (Sagittarius and Pisces).

When Mercury squares Jupiter, it can feel like your mind is battling your faith. Facts and data are great, but where do your values fit into this? Can you balance logic and emotions right now? Mercury in Cancer is very sensitive, while Jupiter in Aries can be brash and impulsive. You might find yourself blurting something out without thinking, only to accidentally hurt someone’s feelings or say something you don’t really believe. Try not to be overly reactive — take deep breaths and try to see it from their perspective.

July 13 — Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius at 24°

Venus trine Saturn is a grounded, sensible transit, one that is ideal for long-term sustainability and commitment in relationships. This is a great opportunity to work with others and build solid partnerships that will last for the long term. Venus in Gemini loves excitement and adventure but can be a little fickle. When trining Saturn, Venus is more inclined to settle down and focus. Maybe you have been casually seeing someone, and now you want things to get more serious. Or maybe you’ve been neglecting your self-care and want to introduce a new habit or routine.

You might be more inclined to be your most mature self and to smooth over any difficulties or past conflicts on this day. If there have been difficulties in your relationships or with your pleasure, this is a great opportunity to find some long-term solutions that are practical and grounded.

This is a really productive transit for things like art, beauty and creative work. It’s a great day to start something enduring, solid and steady. Venus trine Saturn reminds me of marble sculptures from antiquity — beautiful objects that last millennia.

July 13 — Full Moon at 21° Capricorn

Capricorn Full Moons tend to highlight themes of responsibility and duty. Where are your obligations and duties slowing you down, and where are they no longer fitting? And, on the other hand, where are your responsibilities giving you a sense of safety and support? Responsibly paying your mortgage has great benefits. Taking on responsibility for ALL the household labour (cooking, cleaning, etc) is not a great use of duty and responsibility. All of those themes are being illuminated around this time. What messages are you receiving about duty, obligation and that you can release during the waning cycle?

This Full Moon in Capricorn takes place in close conjunction with Pluto, everybody’s favourite planet of catharsis and intensity. This adds a layer of emotional intensity and drama to the Full Moon. Feelings from deep inside of you might be stirred up, brought to the surface. Maybe a memory suddenly overwhelms you. Or maybe feelings you have been trying to ignore or suppress become undeniable. You might feel extra sensitive on this Full Moon, swinging wildly between extreme emotions. Or you might find yourself subject to other people’s intense feelings.

This is a good time to release your emotions in ways that are safe and supportive to your mental, emotional and physical body. Maybe do a spell to release anger or a ritual to honour your rage. Often, we try to ignore or suppress “negative” emotions, but there is nothing wrong with feeling all spectrums of emotions, especially when you do so in a safe container, like during a ritual.

July 14 — Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces at 25°

This is one hell of a Full Moon hangover. Venus square Neptune brings confusion to pleasure, fun and partnerships. This transit has the danger of giving us some serious "rose-coloured glasses", particularly when it comes to those with whom we have close emotional and social connections. Neptune can obscure Venus' judgement, inclining them towards romantic delusions, hero-worship, and over-idealization in/of relationships. There is likely going to be some kind of adjustment necessary in your relationships or art practice. Often with Venus square Neptune, we can become disillusioned with relationships. Maybe you put someone on a pedestal and now you have to face disappointment when they don’t live up to those expectations. Or maybe the things that usually bring you pleasure and satisfaction just aren’t soothing you like they used to. You might have to let go of your expectations and be with your complex feelings for a bit. Don’t suppress or deny your feelings and disappointment. It’s ok to grieve an unexpected loss.

July 16 — Mercury cazimi at 24° Cancer

Today, Mercury enters the heart of the Sun at 24° Cancer. When Mercury is cazimi, it is as if Mercury gets to share the throne with the Sun. It’s as if Mercury is granted executive privileges, becoming an ambassador for the Sun. Mercury can get its message across and be listened to during this time. And since it’s happening in Cancer, the message that Mercury has is from the heart.

This is a great day to express yourself in a heart-centred, emotional way. If you have feelings you want to express, now is a great day to share them. Tell your friends and family that you love them. Confess your feelings to a love interest. Write poetry. Cry. Whatever you need to do to express your feelings, do it. This is a good time to be vulnerable, honest and open with people in your life.

However, keep in mind that over the next three days, the Sun and Mercury will make a trine to Neptune and oppose Pluto — so it’s possible that whatever you express right now might be misinterpreted or will be the catalyst for some emotional catharsis. Or maybe you didn’t even realize exactly how you were feeling or didn’t have the words to express it until now. Keep a notebook next to you all day, so you can make notes of any new ideas or messages that come forward.

July 17 — Venus enters Cancer

Venus joins the party in Cancer, putting a lot of emphasis on this part of your birth chart. While Venus in Gemini is a social butterfly, Venus in Cancer is sweet and sensitive, yearning for intimacy and emotional connection.

When Venus moves through Cancer, you might be swept up in nostalgia or a feeling of longing for a past you can never return to. You might find yourself looking through old photo albums or reminiscing about the past during the next few weeks.

Sometimes Venus in Cancer can inspire you to love with a little too much fear, a little too much attachment because you feel so emotionally invested in your social connections. This is true for romantic relationships, but it's also true for friendships and family relationships.

Venus in Cancer is a lovely time to explore emotions in a more soulful and intentional way. This is a great time to pile on the self-care, to reach out to a therapist or counsellor and dive into your feelings, to text a friend you really love but haven't spoken to in a while.

However, the danger is that you might expect too much of others, and unconsciously demand that they fix-up. It's important to take responsibility for your own emotions and to respect that not everyone can show up for you in the specific way you want in every moment. If your bestie isn't available for a 3-hour convo, have some backup ways to find a similar sense of connection and support.

July 17 — Sun and Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune at 25°

Today, the Sun and Mercury both form a deep, emotional trine to Neptune in Pisces. This is a Big Feelings™️ day. You might find yourself craving conversations and ideas that nourish your soul and satiates a yearning for connection. This is a great day for heartfelt chats that have the potential for healing and inspiration. You might feel more in touch with your creativity and better able to access and express your imagination.

However, it’s not necessarily a great day for logic, analysis and facts. You are more likely to be swayed by emotions than by data today since Neptune has such a foggy and fluid energy. You could also find yourself more easily distracted or wanting to escape reality. Neptune can dissolve our sense of certainty and purpose, meaning you might feel a bit directionless and confused as this transit washes over you. Even if you don’t feel this too strongly, your coworkers, friends and family might be swept away in the Neptune fog and therefore, you might be affected by their distractions.

Like any Neptune transit, the best method of defence is not to fight it. Try to schedule some time for creative writing or unstructured brainstorming on this day. It's a lovely time to connect to something spiritual... just watch out for anything that sounds too good to be true.

July 18 — Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn - 27°

This transit is like a cold bucket of water splashed over your hazy, lazy Neptunian transit from the day before. Mercury opposite Pluto can help to focus your mind, but not necessarily in the way you want. Mercury opposite Pluto can be obsessive and relentless. You might find yourself yearning to get to the heart of something and to discover the truth. On the bright side, the fierce focus of this transit is great for psychological self-analysis and exploring the depths of something. However, Pluto being Pluto, this truth might be a bit harsh or painful. After all, Pluto is all about secrets and the realm of the hidden. Some secrets are better left untouched… but you never know until you find out.

July 19 — Sun in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn - 27°

The Sun opposite Pluto brings up themes of power struggle and control, the interplay between ego and shadow. Pluto is a ruthless, driving energy that is transformative. It reveals everything — warts and all — so that we can fully know what we're dealing this. This can be a painful, but necessary, illumination.

Pluto is power, and the Sun represents those people who stand at the center of things — CEOs are the centre of companies, Executive Directors are the centres of organizations, monarchs are the centre of kingdoms, and prime ministers are the centres of parliamentary democracies. When the Sun opposes Pluto, themes of power, corruption, control, and sovereignty come to the surface. Think about the Sun square Pluto back on April 18 — how has your relationship to power and authority changed since then? What themes were revealed then that you are now confronting?

July 19 — Mercury enters Leo

Get out the megaphone, kids. Mercury has entered Leo! While in the Fixed fire sign, communication turns up a notch. You might feel more focused, confident and self-expressive during Mercury’s journey through Leo. Mercury in Leo loves to perform and be seen — you might feel more confident in your thoughts and speech during this time, and more inclined to take up space. However, keep in mind that everyone else will be feeling this energy, too — it’s hard to be heard when everyone in the room is shouting for attention. But overall, this is a great time to share your ideas and thoughts with the world and put yourself on stage.

  • Mercury will be in Leo from July 19 to August 3

Cancer friends, it’s your birthday season! Celebrate yourself with astrology.

Discover the major themes and topics of the year, so you can move into the next year of your life feeling fresh and focused.

How are you experiencing the astrology of Cancer Season this year? Let us know what Houses this astrology is activating for you in the comments below.